= 3.2.1 – (Aug 27th, 2024) =
* Compatibility – PHP 8.3
* Compatibility – WordPress 6.6
= 3.2.0001 – (Dec 31st, 2022) =
New – Ability to configure the category search to operate as AND vs OR
* Fix – Default listing image not updating on details page with setting
* Fix – works for product reviews
* Fix – Default listing image not updating on category listings
* Fix – Inability to update permalinks
* Fix – Geographic search feature issues
* Fix – display_listings featured search not filtering by l_type
* Fix – filter_form not filtering
* Fix – Clear search buttons not working
* Security – Ability to inject sql
* Compatibility – WordPress 6.0
* Compatibility – PHP 8.0
= 3.1.0004 – (Dec 30th, 2020) =
* Security – small fixes
= 3.1.0003 – (Dec 28th, 2020) =
* Security – extreamly small fix
* Enhancement – WordPress 5.7 compatability
= 3.1.0002 – (Dec 15th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – WordPress 5.6 compatability
* Enhancement – SEO urls are more intelligent
* Enhancement – Button CSS style tweak
* Bug – Fixed several JS issues related to 5.6 compatability
* Bug – Fixed several PHP notices and warnings
* Bug – Multiple columns on details page not working
* Bug – Payment requirement not forwarding to cart
* Bug – Fixed new features notice that was not going away
= 3.1.0001 – (Nov 18th, 2020) =
* Bug – Fix clear search button when ajax search is turned off
* Security – Added more security checks to incoming form submissions
* Enhancement – Increase number of listings that can be shown in a widget
* Enhancement – SEO urls official feature release
* Enhancement – New display_listings shortcode options for city and state targeting without the need for google maps api
= 3.0.0006 – (Nov 8th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – New SEO Tab in the admin
* Enhancement – (Beta) Add SEO url option
* Enhancement – (Beta) Add schema select option
* Enhancement – Added schema decision to installation wizard
* Style – Tweak bootstrap layouts by adding lightbox effect
= 3.0.0005 – (Nov 7th, 2020) =
* Bug – Protect website links
* Bug – Fix status of google maps and mapbox apis
* Security – Santize bpl_search variable
* Style – Tweak My Account table layout
* Style – Tweak large listing layout
* Enhancement – Category dropdown mobile layout
* Enhancement – Listing pagination mobile layout
* Enhancement – Added bpl_search_form shortcode to replace search_form which is conflicting with other plugins
= 3.0.0004 – (Oct 5th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – Notice sharing link to installation wizard for new users
= 3.0.0003 – (Sep 30th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – Changed default search layout
* Design – Tweaked css for default layout
= 3.0.0002 – (Sep 28th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – Improved Mapbox performance, calculating the map center instead of setting it
= 3.0.0001 – (Sep 28th, 2020) =
* New – Support for MapBox map on detail listing page
= 3.0.0000 – (Sep 27th, 2020) =
* New – Support for MapBox Api for searches and main map
* Bug – Removed several PHP notices
* Bug – Fix jQuery loading
* Enhancement – Status page for messages regarding Google Maps/Mapbox API’s
= 2.3.0004 – (Sep 14th, 2020) =
* Bug – Support users without Google Map API
= 2.3.0003 – (Sep 13th, 2020) =
* Enhancement – Remove footer link
* Security – Further tweaks to nonce
= 2.3.0002 – (Sep 1st, 2020) =
* Security – Patching CSRF Vulnerabilities
* Enhancement – Improved language support
* Enhancemebt – Increased search efficiency
= 2.3.0001 – (June 26th, 2020) =
* Fix – Search Map broke on listings with new lines or commas in content
* Enhancements – SEO : Next, Prev, Canonical added to pagination
* Enhancements – Category shortcode reflects location and listing name search criteria
* Enhancements – Business locaion schema markup added to listings (better management comming)
* Enhancements – Business locaion schema markup added to detail pages (better management comming)
* Documentation – Adding lots of code comments
* Enhancements – Number of Google API calls reduced by enhancing ajax search
* Enhancements – Address, lat, & lon information are all visible on the listing details page VS only the map and link
= 2.2.0050 – (Apr 30th, 2020) =
* Fix – Map broke on listings with apostrophies in the content
* Version – Checked compatability with latest version of WordPress
= 2.2.0049 (Nov 4th, 2019) =
* Fix – Marker marker links
= 2.2.0048 (Oct 26th, 2019) =
* Fix – Marker cluster image replacement
* Fix – Search widget shows KM when its selected in the admin for search measurement
= 2.2.0047 (July 11th, 2019) =
* Fix – Display_listing_categories shortcode was not correctly processing coma delimted categories
* Language – Updated translations
* Tweak – Clearer Admin Options
= 2.2.0046 (June 20th, 2019) =
* Fix – The enter button on the search form was refreshing the page while ajax search was activated. Now it results in ajax search
* Fix – Protecting contact details wasn’t working. Now users can click the links
* Fix – Map and Search results now have the same default ordering
* Fix – php notices removed
* Style – Search page features design tweak
* Enhancement – Pagination numbers are reduced when there are more than 9 pages
= 2.2.0045 (May 9th, 2019) =
* Fix – Tweak to the new Scroll to top feature
= 2.2.0044 (May 9th, 2019) =
* Enhancement – Scroll to top of search results after page change
* Enhancment – Opportunity to save all new posts as private
– Style – Tweak icon addon display in result listings
= 2.2.0043 (April 25th, 2019) =
* Fix – Fix PHP notice in the admin
* Fix – Listing style 1 was not showing price
* Style – Listings style 2 button is now responsive
* Translation – Fix issue with buddypress tab
* Fix – My account create tab shows relevant message when charge by category is selected in admin
= 2.2.0042 (April 18th, 2019) =
* Language – Making more text translatable
* Enhancement – PHP 7 compatability
* Style – Pagination styling
* Style – Listing layout 1 has been chaged to feature the category and title under the image
* Style – Listing layout 2 has been chaged to wrap all elements other than the image in a div
= 2.2.0041 (Mar 25th, 2019) =
* Style – Better HTML formatting for css targeting added throughout the plugin
* Style – Responsive styling added for search shortcodes
* Style – Class added to cancel button on user profile
* Style – Rebuilt and styled search filter widget to be more responsive
* Style – Added bootstrap styling for listing pagination
* Fix – Required categories not submitting when configured as checkboxes
* Fix – # of columns admin options were not correct
* Enhancement – Added firt, prev, next, last buttons to pagination
* Enhancement – Introduction of accessibility tags in the html
= 2.2.0040 (Mar 11th, 2019) =
* Style – Search filter style change
* Style – Layout change for the small listing style
* Style – Enhanced layout of the front end form
* Bug – More fixes to PHP notices
= 2.2.0039 (Mar 10th, 2019) =
* Bug – Remove all PHP notices especially those on activation
* Style – Changed the default styling of the large listing layout
* Style – Search form styling
* Style – Recent listings widget styling
= 2.2.0038 (Mar 8th, 2019) =
* Enhancement – Tweak first demo listing thats generated when the plugin is first installed
* Bug – Fixed translation string on the profile page
* Tweak – Recent Listings widget spacing
* Bug – Error on new map api code not being set
* Bug – Remove all PHP notices especially those on activation
= 2.2.0037 (Feb 13th, 2019) =
* Enhancement – Added separate admin option for geocode api and javascript api since they need different configuration in google cloud
* Style – Added html elements and styles for google map popups
* Bug – Preventing images from showing in google map popups
* Bug – Featured listings were changing the ordering of normal lisitngs. This is no longer possible
= 2.2.0036 (Feb 02th, 2019) =
* Fix bug with map not showing on listing detail pages when its tab is clicked on mobile
* New admin layout option to show multiple columns for listing details
* New admin layout option to show multiple colums on forms
* More detailed error message for google api related issues
= 2.2.0035 (Jan 29th, 2019) =
* Added html span around shortcode results for better css targeting
* More utilization of placeholders on input elements in the advanced search filter
* More html classes for better css styling
* Prevent featured listings from accepting filtering from $_GET variables
* Tweak how clustered google map markers work
* Tweak default listing order filtering
= 2.2.0034 (Jan 23rd, 2019) =
* Added missing jquery images.
* Fixed layout issues introduced by new jquery images
* Add total number of results to data being returned by searches in a hidden div
* Tweaks to map popup style including the readdition
* Enhanced address formatting when being displayed
= 2.2.0033 (Jan 4th, 2019) =
* Bug fix for the order ID option in the admin when editing listings.
= 2.2.0032 (Jan 3rd, 2019) =
* Clearer end user messaging around expired listings on their My Account page
* Added ability to manage order id from listing admin page
* Disabled ability to edit expiration date from listing admin page. Now managed via Orders
* Fixed expiration details on listings page in admin
= 2.2.0031 (Dec 28th, 2018) =
* Fix nonce integration with Form Builder addon
* Fix featured listings capability
* Handle multiple listings on the map with the same exact lat/lon location
= 2.2.0030 (Apr 23rd, 2018) =
* New bpl_state shortcode option to show listings by state
= 2.2.0029 (May 5th, 2017) =
* Further tweaks to where search
* Ability to add google analytics to every listing page via admin
= 2.2.0028 (Feb 1st, 2017) =
* Fix where search.
= 2.2.0027 (Jan 09th, 2017) =
* Fix to l_type shortcode option. It now allows you to reference multiple category ids
* small css tweak for listing categories
= 2.2.0026 (Oct 05th, 2016) =
* Fix for buddypress/profile listing delete
= 2.2.0025 (July 27th, 2016) =
* Add css class to the frontend form when the user has successfully submitted a listing
* Add css class to heading on My Listings page
= 2.2.0024 (July 27th, 2016) =
* tweak to map api logic
= 2.2.0023 (July 6th, 2016) =
* More security fixes for uploaded files
* security fix for deleting posts
= 2.2.0020 (June 9th, 2016) =
* Fixed issue with clustered map image and HTTPS
* Security fix to prevent malicious uploads
* Nonce added to frontend forms
* Direct access to files prevented
* Removed direct use of wordpress files
= 2.2.0019 (May 3rd, 2016) =
* New ability to add google map key
= 2.2.0018 (Apr 12th, 2016) =
* fix style bug
* add error management to frontend package submission
= 2.2.0017 (Feb 8th, 2016) =
* Fix bug with search filter widgets. Now you can save unique values for multiple search filter widgets
= 2.2.0016 (Feb 4th, 2016) =
* Fix bug with map pop-ups
= 2.2.0015 (Jan 17th, 2016) =
* Fix bug affecting addons integrating into the search filter widget
* Fix map zoom on details page not using setting from admin
= 2.2.0014 (Dec 13th, 2015) =
* Fix category save issue which was introduced with last version upgrade
= 2.2.0013 (Dec 11th, 2015) =
* Fix category csv uploads for single values
= 2.2.0012 (Dec 7th, 2015) =
* Add filter options to pagination in cases where ajax is not turned on
* Fix website link on listings
= 2.2.0011 (Nov 24th, 2015) =
* Fix rating request
= 2.2.0010 (Nov 16th, 2015) =
* Change how website urls work on listing templates
* New action hook for addons to recreate listing templates
* Admin gallery manager now handles files other than images
= 2.2.0009 (Oct 29th, 2015) =
* On listing submission, if a user is created, set user as current user
* Using a better wordpress action hook for forms being redirected after submission
* New ability to change the distance measurement for geographic searches from miles to kilometers
= 2.2.0008 (Oct 22nd, 2015) =
* Fixed the loss of order dir and order by values during searches
* Fix email registration
= 2.2.0007 (Oct 13th, 2015) =
* Improved wordpress hooks and filters for 3rd party integration
* Tweak product information
= 2.2.0006 (Sep 30th, 2015) =
* Enhanced search features to work better with addons and custom links
* Added new checks on admin status page
* New wordpress hooks for easier customization by developers
= 2.2.0005 (Sep 21st, 2015) =
* Changed how the “listing_page” option works for the search_form shortcode
* Rebuilt ajax functions and made it possible to tie in via wordpress hooks
* Refined the ajax search effect on the interface while the query is executing
* Reduced number of database calls initiated by each search result listing
* New admin option for managing description length in listings
* Refined what the category shortcode shows during search filter
= 2.2.0004 (Sep 17th, 2015) =
* Fix new display for showing remaining packages to user while creating/editing listings
* Tweak form builder integration to accomodate ajax forms
= 2.2.0003 (Sep 15th, 2015) =
* Multisite my listings fix when payments are activated
* Packages now show # of listings remaining
* Change Optional label to Options for category form field
* Removed Pre Selected label if there are no categories pre selected
* Fix required select box. Options were not being pre selected
* Upgrade category function to allow for single select boxes
* Fix creation of order via admin
* POT language file updated to reflect changes in plugin
* Show if package is selected when editing a listing
* Fixed default image on details page if no image attached
= 2.2.0002 (Aug 15th, 2015) =
* Tweak how plugin features are loaded
* reduce errors and warnings
* Remove slashes from content when displayed on detail pages. Slashes prevent sql injection
* Improve how address is formatted for frontend display
* Improvements to localization
* Introduction of POT file
= 2.2.0001 (Aug 5th, 2015) =
* Admin can submit unfiltered content.
* Improved localization
= 2.2.0 (July 27th, 2015) =
* New Admin status page to help diagnose issues.
* New readonly option for how links open.
* Tweak result listing title to remove slashes implemented for sql injection prevention
* Fix for profile error regarding missing template.
* Updates to language files (french,spanish,swedish,german)
= 2.1.99999 (July 23rd, 2015) =
* Small tweak to l_featured var in display_listings shortcode
* Major advancement in how we manage category csv uploads. Now you can use the category names instead of id’s.
* Improve how we handle post_id’s that don’t exist during csv uploads
* Handle multiple photo uploads via csv import
* Extend listing_types_by_post function to also provide term name and slug
* Further tweak to clear search feature.
* New toolbar button for quick access to BPL Options
= 2.1.99998 (July 21st, 2015) =
* Fix ajax when certain html elements are turned off.
* New delimiter option added for csv uploads
* Fix show_geo check for search shortcode
* Fix clear search button not working
= 2.1.99997 (July 15th, 2015) =
* Style tweaks for front end form
* Fix for category select box when editing listings
= 2.1.99996 (July 11th, 2015) =
* Small tweak to admin management of geo options
= 2.1.99995 (July 8th, 2015) =
* Update installation wizard
* Fix options during upgrade
= 2.1.99994 (July 6th, 2015) =
* Add more filters to override tab labels.
* Fix loss of listing style when using ajax paging and type option on display_listings.
* Tweak checks for features selected in the admin for showcasing on the frontend.
* New French translation. Thanks
= 2.1.99993 (July 3rd, 2015) =
* Tweak new form category layout and css
* Enhance category function to return values instead of echo
* Tweak form label css
= 2.1.99992 (Jun 30th, 2015) =
* repair front end form options.
* replace depricated functions.
* addition of html elements for better css targetting.
= 2.1.99991 (Jun 29th, 2015) =
* Fixes to file encoding causing issues
= 2.1.9995 (Jun 26th, 2015) =
* Fixes to file encoding causing issues
* Enhance uninstall process
= 2.1.9994 (Jun 25th, 2015) =
* Fixes to new api feature.
* New category layout option for form
* New tab management options for pages
* rate request
= 2.1.9993 (Jun 12th, 2015) =
* Enhancements to new api feature.
* Reintroduce welcome wizard
* New method for update notice because of new wordpress update method
* Show email in listing results, only if show contact is selected in admin
= 2.1.9992 (Jun 4th, 2015) =
* Removed activation screen since not compatible with new versions of wordpress
* Added NEW api feature. Requires the “BePro Software API” plugin
* New shortcode option to specify the number of listings that shows up on the map
* Tweaked My Listings shortcode to work, even if buddypress is activated
= 2.1.9991 (May 23rd, 2015) =
* Fixes to Form Builder search filter integration
* Fixes to front end form redirect option
* Fix issue with updating listings
= 2.1.999 (Apr 30th, 2015) =
* New ability to visually manage orders via front end profile
* New ability to purchase packages without any listings
* Tweaked notices and actions for listings on profile page
* Fixed bug with creating listing without any package selected when its actually required
* Cloned new profile features to buddypress profile
* New admin link to restart installation wizard
* New admin link to visit the BePro Listings Dashboard page
* New method for managing expired listings from the frontend profile
= 2.1.998 (Apr 27th, 2015) =
* Fix disappearing listings which are valid, when payments are activated
* Better support for time search filters
= 2.1.997 (Apr 18th, 2015) =
* Tweak Shortcode builder button
* Fixes for php notices
* Tweak page
* Made more text translatable
* Added translations for each supported language
* Buddypress profile tweaks to fix sql errors
* Tweak multisite compatibility
= 2.1.996 (Mar 29th, 2015) =
* Search Map removed when show_geo option is turned off
* Tweak BePro Listings table creation to be compatabile with more servers
* Fix category payment duration admin setting
* Orders menu now shown in admin when any type of payment is accepted
= 2.1.995 (Mar 26th, 2015) =
* Fixed small php errors
* Fix template issues
* Style tweaks
* Fix to front end form
* Fix to saving new payment info
= 2.1.993 (Mar 25th, 2015) =
* Improved multisite capability
* Improved payment package features
* Label tweaks
* Improved uninstall procedure
* Tweaked new template system
= 2.1.991 (Mar 21th, 2015) =
* Added new installation wizard
* Added help links to admin pages
* Fix to activation
= 2.1.98 (Mar 20th, 2015) =
* Added new localization for translation
* Better theme compatibility with option to choose frontend template type
= 2.1.97 (Mar 5th, 2015) =
* Tweak style of profile page
* Add new jQuery time field feature
* Load date and time fields in admin
= 2.1.96 (Mar 2nd, 2015) =
* Fix how js is loaded in admin
* Tweak function names
= 2.1.95 (Feb 28th, 2015) =
* Tweak how package options are shown and stored
* Tweak user options when form is successfully submitted via profile
= 2.1.94 (Feb 23rd, 2015) =
* Tweak how duration works
= 2.1.93 (Feb 20th, 2015) =
* Tweak how meta boxes are loaded in the admin. Specifically fixes issue when removing image features
* Add unlimited payment packages (new feature)
* Fix order by listings option
* Fix expiration display on frontend profiles
= 2.1.92 (Feb 12th, 2015) =
* Fix expiration calculation after payment
* Fix expiration display on frontend profiles
* Fix decision for when to add payment action hooks
= 2.1.91 (Feb 05th, 2015) =
* Changed tinymce front end editor to off by default
* Fixed submission issue introduced by new “show images” feature
* Front end form no longer shows file upload options when “show images” feature is turned off
* Show images feature is turned on by default
* Tweak documentation
= 2.1.90 (Feb 2nd, 2015) =
* Fix default distance selection
* New option to add tinymce to description form field
* Add l_type “required cats” option for display_listings in the shortcode builder
= 2.1.89 (Jan 28th, 2015) =
* Tweak category style
* Tweak form sumission error check
* Tweak style of search result template 2
* Tweak style of search result template 1 when images are turned off
* Add admin js file on BePro Listing pages only
* New option to remove gallery feature by setting num_images to 0
* New option to configure map zoom
* New option to remove google map api addition
= 2.1.88 (January 19th, 2015) =
* Option to redirect users to shopping cart after form submission
* Added new repair features
* Refined uninstall procedure
* Improved Dutch translation
* Improved Italian translation
* Improved Norwegian translation
* Improved Poilish translation **
* Remove Serbian translation
* Tweaked “My Listings” shortcode display when no listings found
= 2.1.87 (January 10th, 2015) =
* Fix image upload issues from frontend which were introduced with new admin gallery manager
* Improved startup, especially category selection for initial listing
* Fixed admin menu text
* Fix search features, espcially compounded search results
= 2.1.85 (January 8th, 2015) =
* New category option for Recent Listings widget
* New filter for overriding Recent Listings Widget
* Fixed English Language File
* Improved Portuguese translation
* Improved Spanish translation
* Improved Swedish translation
* Improved German translation
* Improved French translation
= 2.1.84 (January 7th, 2015) =
* Tweak how comments are loaded
* Tweak shortcode builder descriptions
* Prevent shortcode builder form showing on BePro Listings pages
* Improved Translation readiness
* Improved French translation
= 2.1.83 (December 31st, 2014) =
* Fix for deprication issue
* Refine startup process
* Increased multisite compatibility, especially blog deletion
* New settings and support links on plugins panel
* Fix issue with admin meta options
* Fix js conflict issue
= 2.1.80 (December 30th, 2014) =
* New Shortcode button while editing pages
= 2.1.79 (December 29th, 2014) =
* New Gallery Management feature
* Tweak how website link is managed on details page
= 2.1.78 (December 26th, 2014) =
* Several search related fixes
* Fixes focused on listing expiration issues
= 2.1.77 (December 25th, 2014) =
* Tweak form submission redirection feature
* Add form builder ID to ajax communication
* Fix paging issue with category filter
* Remove limit on widgets
* Tweak jQuery calendar design
= 2.1.76 (December 18th, 2014) =
* Added compatability with https setups for maps
* Fixed name search logic issues
* Tweak style for filter listings
* Tweak map reaction for no results found
* Added swedish translation
= 2.1.75 (December 12th, 2014) =
* Fix category shortcode selection of parent
* New filter for searches with no results found
* Removed “show contact” option relation to the name search field
* Better handling of date fields with ajax features
* New name search features and admin configurations
= 2.1.74 (November 29th, 2014) =
* Option to turn off name search
* css tweak for better theme compatibility
* Fix user creation during front end form submission
= 2.1.73 (November 21th, 2014) =
* Fix Maps tab
* Fix comments tab for ajax paging
* Tweak translations
* Add Dutch Translation
* Add Italian Translation
* Add Polish Translation
= 2.1.70 (November 20th, 2014) =
* Buddypress create tab can now be hidden by 3rd party addons like the form builder
* Fixed issue with updating listings
* Fixed ajax paging issue when geo features are on but no lat/lon provided
= 2.1.68 (November 19th, 2014) =
* Fix js error when geo features are turned on but the lat/lon are not present
= 2.1.67 (November 17th, 2014) =
* Buddypress profile visitors now see paged listings
* Fixed buddypress issue introduced in version 2.1.66 where visitors saw listings unrelated to the profile owner
* Tweak profile layout for logged in users
* Now using currency sign from admin settings, for the “pay” option on the user profile
* New filters added for better management of “create listing” feature
* Improved integration with the form builder
= 2.1.65 (November 13th, 2014) =
* New Filter added to override the profile template
* More tweaks for ajax paging
= 2.1.64 (November 12th, 2014) =
* New Filter added to override “create listing” button on frontend profile
= 2.1.63 (November 11th, 2014) =
* Fix for ajax pages
* Add language support for norwegian
* Add language support for german
= 2.1.62 (November 9th, 2014) =
* Security enhancement
* Tweak category check function to accept strings and arrays.
= 2.1.61 (November 5th, 2014) =
* Tweak listing type 2 layout
* Fix for pages with geo features on but no lat/lon info
= 2.1.60 (October 28th, 2014) =
* Increased [bl_my_listings] shortcode compatability with custom themes
* Fixed issue with activating payment features
* Ability to change category permalink
* Strip shortcodes from listing submissions
= 2.1.58 (October 26th, 2014) =
* Support for newest version of From builder 1.0.1
= 2.1.57 (October 20th, 2014) =
* New admin menu icon
* Integration with BePro Email
* Improved upgrade process
= 2.1.56 (October 17th, 2014) =
* Fix to payment button
= 2.1.55 (October 16th, 2014) =
* Cubepoints support removed.
* Integrated with BePro Cart to supply all payment features going forward.
* Listing expiration feature added.
* Changed “Posted Date” to “Notices” on the user’s Profile, for listings they submitted.
* Added “Notices” to the table in the admin, which shows all recorded listings.
= 2.1.54 (October 11th, 2014) =
* Increased Origami integration for Search Filter Widget and Search Filter Shortcode
= 2.1.53 (October 10th, 2014) =
* Fix for new Buddypress new mention suggestion UI
= 2.1.52 (October 8th, 2014) =
* Updated password field on front end form to be an actual password field instead of text
= 2.1.51 (October 7th, 2014) =
* Repaired file encoding which caused php errors
= 2.1.5 (October 6th, 2014) =
* Ability to upload listings with multiple categories in csv files. Its done by utilizing the | character e.g. 1|2|3
* Better support for Hebrew and other foreign languages with character sets which are different to english
* Fix for saving values using the standalone profile option
* New css for making messages more pronounced
= 2.1.49 (September 29th, 2014) =
* Upgrading Buddypress forms to work with new Form Builder
* Fix how item names are saved
* Fix google map breaking because of titles with quotes in them
= 2.1.48 (September 26th, 2014) =
* Upgrading Buddypress forms to work with new Form Builder
= 2.1.47 (September 26th, 2014) =
* New filters added so that form builder can change success & failure messages for form sumission
= 2.1.46 (September 26th, 2014) =
* Fix for profile form pertaining to the new builder integration
= 2.1.45 (September 24th, 2014) =
* Fix for form builder integration
= 2.1.44 (September 22nd, 2014) =
* Improved multisite integration
= 2.1.43 (September 18th, 2014) =
* New hooks and filters added in preparation for new Form Builder Addon
* Fix front end form not showing stored categories
* CSV enhancement to manage multiple categories
= 2.1.42 (September 8th, 2014) =
* New filter for replacing upload form
* re-introduce website link to details page
= 2.1.41 (September 3rd, 2014) =
* Translation for Portuguese added by Joao
* Translation for Serbian added by Ognjen
= 2.1.40 (September 2nd, 2014) =
* Additional wordpress filters
* Label tweaks
* Added html classes for css control
= 2.1.39 (August 16th, 2014) =
* More fixes for ajax paging
* Label tweaks
= 2.1.38 (August 15th, 2014) =
* More fixes for ajax paging
= 2.1.37 (August 12th, 2014) =
* More fixes for ajax paging
= 2.1.36 (August 11th, 2014) =
* Fix for ajax category clicks and ajax paging when search filter is not used
= 2.1.35 (July 30th, 2014) =
* Tweak to search filter distance options
* Fix for listing “order direction” being lost after page change
* New admin option for protecting contact details on listing pages
* Fix “clear search” feature for when ajax is turned off
= 2.1.34 (July 12th, 2014) =
* Fix issue preventing details to be saved
* Indent sidebar sub categories
= 2.1.33 (July 7th, 2014) =
* New feature, cubepoints integration allowing admin to charge users points to post
* Admin label changes and new options related to new feature
* New hooks and filters added
* Add “new listing” link to My Listings profile shortcode page
* Add “Cancel” link to My Listing edit and add pages
* Remove preselected portion on listing create/edit frontend form, when there are none
= 2.1.32 (July 4th, 2014) =
* Added ability to change the permalink slug settings
* Fixed buddypress and profile security issue regarding editing listings
= 2.1.31 (Jun 20th, 2014) =
* New admin option to manage length of title on listings
* Continued enhancement of WordPress compatability and removal of php errors
* Small css style enhancements
= 2.1.30 (Jun 11th, 2014) =
* Security enhancements
= 2.1.29 (Jun 10th, 2014) =
* Make category heading in the sidebar filter dynamic.
* Preparation for origami
= 2.1.28 (Tuesday Jun 3rd 2014) =
* Increase to database length for website links
* Major fix to ajax search filter and listing results
= 2.1.27 (Wednesday May 28th 2014) =
* Fix ajax page feature for the “item name” link on listings
* Fix admin option for how links open
= 2.1.26 (Monday May 26th 2014) =
* Fix issue where sub categories are shown multiple times
* New filters introduced for easier template management
= 2.1.25 (Friday May 9th 2014) =
* New filters add to how the upload form is rendered
* New Tab style and underlying js
* Category text / label options added to admin
* New shortcode and design added for search filter
= 2.1.24 (Tuesday May 6th 2014) =
* Costmetic change, fixing wrong wording of listing detail pages
= 2.1.23 (Sunday May 4th 2014) =
* New design for page details tabs
= 2.1.22 (Saturday May 3rd 2014) =
* fixes to function names
* new filters added to template generation process
* enhancements to localization
= 2.1.21 (Tuesday Apr 29th 2014) =
* Continued Function name changes
* Fix paging error and search issues
* French language improvements
* Localization improvements
* New front end template functions
= 2.1.20 (Monday Apr 21st 2014) =
* Function name changes
= 2.1.19 (Saturday Apr 10th 2014) =
* New listing link option in admin for link directory projects
* New filter for listing titles
* Listing titles are now linked
* Listing links depend on listing link option in admin. This includes images
* New option to show / hide the date filter feature
* New currency sign option which shows on listings and details page
= 2.1.18 (Saturday Apr 5th 2014) =
* New ability to upload listings via CSV file in admin
= 2.1.17 (Thursday Apr 3rd 2014) =
* New Shortcode for standalone profile page
= 2.1.16 (Wednesday Apr 2nd 2014) =
* Made css and template changes to listing type 2
* Tweak geography info layout for listing type 2
= 2.1.15 (Monday Mar 31st 2014) =
* Improved featured css for better mobile compatability.
= 2.1.14 (Monday Mar 31st 2014) =
* Fix paging in cases where featured listings are shown with normal listings
* New style for paging
* New style for featured listing with featured badge instead of colors
* Rename filter widget buttons
= 2.1.13 (Wednesday Mar 26th 2014) =
* Default listing order by option is now date
* New shortcode option for map shortcode “map_id”
* New feature, map shows on item details page
* Tweak to how categories look when selected on the front end
* New filters added to the system
* Alteration to template system for listings. Cost now has its onw function.
* Removed empty categories from filter options
* fixed undefined error messaged when show_paging optin not used is listings shortcode
= 2.1.12 (Thursday Mar 20th 2014) =
* Add ability to change author to other users with role of author
* Fix to show empty categories on the create listing form
= 2.1.11 (Thursday Mar 20th 2014) =
* Minor fix for category filter
= 2.1.10 (Tuesday Mar 18th 2014) =
* Minor fix for front end submission form. Removed pre-checked setting for categories.
* New (order_dir) option for [display_listings] shortcode
= 2.1.09 (Thursday Mar 13th 2014) =
* Minor fix for better upgrade compatability
* Minor style tweak to listing type 2
= 2.1.08 (Saturday Mar 8th 2014) =
* Fix missing “no image” image for categories without images
* Styling enhancements to listing templates
* New listings option for details link text
* New listings option to hide external website link
* Filtered Category now shows category name in heading instead of “Sub Category” name
= 2.1.06 (Tuesday Mar 4th 2014) =
* Tweak minor featured listing shortcode css issue
* Major change to how paging for listings are generated
= 2.1.05 (Tuesday Mar 4th 2014) =
* Fix minor listing shortcode css issue
* Major change to how listing templates are generated
* New shortcode options (l_featured, order_by, ex_type) for display_listings shorcode (i.e. featured listings)
= 2.1.04 (Sunday Mar 2nd 2014) =
* Fix minor shortcode css issue
* Fix minor details page css issue with categories
* New feature, exclude categories on front end form
* New feature, required categories on front end form
= 2.1.03 (Saturday Mar 1st 2014) =
* Fix minor map popup html display issue
* Fix delete feature for buddypress front end users
= 2.1.02 (Friday Feb 28th 2014) =
* Fix map widget issue
* (New feature) Ajax pages
= 2.1.01 (Thursday Feb 27th 2014) =
* Tweak varius styles e.g. widgets
* Tweak category layout
* Fix search from ajax issues
* New feature bl_all_in_one shortcode
= 2.1.0 (Saturday Feb 22nd 2014) =
* AJAX pagination
= 2.0.99 (Saturday Feb 22nd 2014) =
* Tweaks for listing type 1 style
* Tweaks to details page layout
* New admin option for ajax search and filter on the frontend
* Several changes to the core php functions
* Changes to the loading of js files
* Changes to the search filter widget
* Multiple changes to the, map, category, and listings shortcodes
= 2.0.98 (Monday Feb 10th 2014) =
* New admin option for auto publish
* New admin option for listing links opening new pages
* New admin option for links on item detail pages for privacy
* Recent fixes for php notices
= 2.0.95 (Friday, Jan 31st 2014) =
* New ability to specify listing ids and limit in display_listings shortcode
= 2.0.94 (Saturday, Jan 25th 2014) =
* New shortcode option to Limit listings and map results to a particular category
* Fix dropdown categories on front end edit pages
* Fix to “category filter” results for map and listings
= 2.0.93 (Friday, Jan 24th 2014) =
* Upgrade widget code to be 2.8 compatible
* Fix recent listings widget
= 2.0.92 (Thursday, Jan 23rd 2014) =
* Removing slashes (e.g. won’t) from listing and item content
* New admin feature to toggle how lat/lng is retrieved
= 2.0.90 (Friday, Jan 17th 2014) =
* Substantial upgrade making shortcodes work better with custom templates
= 2.0.86 (Wednesday, Jan 15th 2014) =
* Update listings content fix
= 2.0.85 (Tuesday, Jan 14th 2014) =
* Fix upload file path and a few other small fixes
= 2.0.79 (Friday, Dec 27th 2013) =
* New Category templates, styling, and functionality
= 2.0.77 (Friday, Dec 20th 2013) =
* Improve organization of plugin including new hooks and filters
= 2.0.76 (Thursday, Dec 19th 2013) =
* Fixes to activation
= 2.0.71 (Monday, Dec 16th 2013) =
* Fixes to search filter and addition of wordpress filters
= 2.0.68 (Monday, Dec 16th 2013) =
* Fix issues with admin saving and cost showing on front end
= 2.0.60 (Thursday, Dec 12th 2013) =
* Add listing activity to buddypress feed
= 2.0.57 (Friday, Dec 6th 2013) =
* Improve map and new options for front end form
= 2.0.54 (Friday, Dec 6th 2013) =
* Major fixes to submission form, document handling, and error messages
= 2.0.3 (Tuesday, Dec 3rd 2013) =
* Dynamically load listings templates in line with 2.0.0 standards
= 2.0.2 (Monday, Dec 2nd 2013) =
* Minor tweaks to new 2.0.0 release
= 2.0.0 (Sunday, Dec 1st 2013) =
* Major fix improving compatability and features
= 1.2.35 (Sunday, Jul 28th 2013) =
* fix text domain languages and map markers
= 1.2.34 (Tuesday, May 28th 2013) =
* fix issue regarding country when clicking listing map links
= 1.2.33 (Saturday, May 4th 2013) =
* fix issue regarding the retrieval of lat/lon
= 1.2.32 (Monday, April 22nd 2013) =
* fix issue when uploading images
= 1.2.3 (Thursday, April 11th 2013) =
* wordpress 3.5 and multisite compatible
= 1.2.21 (Wednesday, Jan 16st 2012) =
* error checks
= 1.2.2 (Tuesday, Oct 30st 2012) =
* user create featured image
= 1.2.1 (Sunday, Oct 21st 2012) =
* conflick error and css fixes
= 1.2.0 (Sunday, Oct 14th 2012) =
* buddypress and some hooks
= 1.1.1 (Friday, Oct 12th 2012) =
* css changes, widget fix, more info
= 1.1.0 (Sunday, Oct 7st 2012) =
* global settings for cost/contact/geo & num images
= 1.0.2 (Monday, Oct 1st 2012) =
* Stable with fixes
= 1.0.1 (Monday, Oct 1st 2012) =
* Stable with Several fixes
== Upgrade Notice ==
qvalida –
This plugin is the best free listings plugin i found until now and i´ve tried a few. Even the support is really great. Friendly, capable and very fast. My best compliments! Also to the provided addons like “BePro Listings Icons” i use right now. 🙂
dustin007 –
This is the best Directory plugin I have found. I use it on all of my directory projects. Its easy to use, has lots of free options and great documentation. I definitely recommend using it.
JeremyArth –
Great addons, especially the new Form Builder. Very well developed and it came with useful new documentation, especially the videos are very useful.
BePro Software Team has been very helpful as well as their support team is excellent. I will recommend this plugin.