This page outlines all possible shortcodes and options for the BePro Listings WordPress plugin. It also shows the shortcodes for all add-ons. If you are new to the concept of WordPress and shortcodes, check out the WordPress documentation
The WordPress cms allow you to mix unique strings with your content. These unique strings trigger features. The features that are triggered are dictated to the plugins or PHP functions which created the unique strings
You see, WordPress created the possibility to use these unique strings. The plugins decide exactly what that string is, and what reactions happen when it’s encountered on a blog page or in a post. It could be anything from creating a gallery to inputting a tracking code. The only thing that WordPress requires, is that shortcodes always start with a left bracket “[“ and end with a right one “]”. The sting in-between is up to the plugin/function developers
Shortcodes usually have options. This page outlines the unique strings associated with BePro Listings and the options which can be used to customize the attached reaction. So for example, one of our popular shortcodes is our “All In One” shortcode. It is so named since it triggers several features at the same time, google maps, categories, directory listings, etc. It looks like this
[bl_all_in_one]It has a few options which are outlined in the documentation below. However, for the same simple example, the following unique string, will select a different layout of features for BePro Listings
[bl_all_in_one l_type="a3"]This is still a valid use of the unique string “bl_all_in_one”. However, it is now configured to work differently
We understand that not every user will find shortcodes easy. So we have implemented a FREE shortcode builder to help you. While editing any page or post, locate the BePro button above the TinyMCE editor. Once clicked, the shortcode builder will be revealed as a popup
Each shortcode is available for selection. Once selected, you are able to view and configure its options. Once ready to use the shortcode, simply click the button “use shortcode”. The shortcode builder will take the options you configured and paste the shortcode in the TinyMCE editor when you can view it.
- Dynamic Map – Setup a map anywhere showing the last listings on your site e.g. [generate_map]
- Basic Search – Allow users to search listings e.g. [search_form]
- Filter Search Table – Allow users to do a more in-depth search including, cost, date, etc e.g. [filter_form]
- Filter Search CSS – Allow users to do a more in-depth search including, cost, date, etc e.g. [bl_search_filter]
- Listings – Show listings with optional paging e.g. [display_listings]
- Front end Upload Form – Give your users the ability to submit from any page or post. You can set a default user id for the listing or force registration. e.g. [create_listing_form]
- Category Links – Allow users to navigate your directory/listings using category links e.g. [display_listing_categories]
- All In One (NEW) – Use one shortcode to implement several features at once. Various configurations available [bl_all_in_one].
- Profile – Use our standalone profile shortcode, no need for BuddyPress or any other plugin [bl_my_listings]
- listing_page – (string) enter any URL path under your website URL set in admin e.g. “/listings”
- listing_page – (string) enter any URL path under your website URL set in admin e.g. (Listings)
- listing_page – (string) enter any URL path under your website URL set in admin e.g. (Listings)
- l_type – (integer) Pre-select a category from the dropdown. Accepts a Category ID
- pop_up – (integer) If set, map icons pop up and informational balloon with a link in it instead of default direct linking to post. Accepts any integer e.g. “1”
- size – (integer) accepts 4 numeric sizes 1-4 from smallest to largest.
- l_type – (integers) Comma separated category ids. Limit listings to provided categories
- limit – (integer) accepts a numeric value up to any integer
- show_paging – (integer) Display paging option to the user. Must be set to 1 (i.e. show_paging=1)
- bpl_city – (string) Search the database for cities matching this exact string
- bpl_state – (string) Search the database for states matching this exact string
- type – (integer) Chose between the various template types. Base version of plugin has types “1″ and “2″. AddOns may add additional layout options
- l_type – (integers) Coma separated category ids. Limit listings to provided categories
- l_ids – (integers) specify coma separated list of page ids
- order_by – (integer) order results. Default is Date. Options include
- “1” = post title
- “2” = randomize
- “3” = last name
- order_dir – (integer) order direction. Options include
- “1” = Ascending
- “2” = Descending
- l_featured – (integer or bool) options include “1” or “true”. This highlights results as featured
- ex_type – (integers) coma separated categories to exclude. This overrides the “type” option
- limit – (Integer) Override the admin setting for the amount of listings to show
- register – (integer) Show registration fields, user and pass. If user is already a member, we use their user_id. Example value “1” or “0”
- Redirect – Provide url for redirection after form submission
- url_input – (string) link to a page with the listings shortcode e.g. “/listings”
- cat – (integer) category ID that you want to filter listings by
- ctype = (integer) 1-4 templates including 2 which display the category images
- l_type – (string) template to use. Use one of the available options which include “a1, a2, and a3”
- No options, just works as is
BePro Listings Galleries
- type (string)
- List only the image and links with the option “bpg1”
- List only the image with the option “bpg2”
- List only the image with the title at the bottom “bpg3”
- gtype (string)
- Show just the basic wordpress gallery “basic”
- Show a gallery via lightbox “lightbox” (Plays videos in lightbox)
- Show a gallery in a slider “slider1”
- Show a gallery in a slider “slider2”
- Show a gallery in a ticker scroll box “ticker”
- pids – (integers) coma separated set of post id’s. Can be any post or page including custom post types
- cats – (integers) coma separated set of category id’s. Must be BePro Listing categories.
- numcats – (integer) set the number of images you want retrieved from the category(s). Option (cats) is required for this to take effect
BePro Listings Favorites
[ bepro_popular_listings ]
- type (string) – listing template. Accepts any type provided by [ display_listings ]
- limit (integer) – limit result to a specific number
- show_paging (integer) – show paging
[ bepro_my_favorite_listings ]
- type (integer) – listing template
- limit (integer) – limit result to a specific number
- show_paging (integer) – show paging
[ bepro_my_favorite_map ]
- type (integer) – listing template
- limit (integer) – limit result to a specific number
- show_paging (integer) – show paging
- size(integer) – size of map. Refer to generate_map shortcode
[ bepro_all_voted_listings ]
- type (integer) – listing template
- limit (integer) – limit result to a specific number
- show_paging (integer) – show paging
BePro Listings Authors
[ author_listings ]
- bl_user_ids – (integers) Coma separated list of user id’s
BePro Listings Business Directory
- type (string)
- Alphabetic listing titles bl1
- Alphabetic listing contact names bl1b
- Five column layout with hidden Alphabet headings bl2
- Five column layout with visible Alphabet headings bl2b
- Five row layout with visible Alphabet headings bl3
- Five row layout with image and Visible Alphabet headings bl4
- No options, just works as is
BePro Lisitngs Form Builder
- type (string)
- Small listing with image and description blfb1a
- Small listing without image blfb1b
- Small listing without image or description blfb1c
- Large listing with image and description blfb2a
- Large listing without image blfb2b
- Large listing without image or description blfb2c
BePro Listings Search
- search_ids (coma separated search link ID’s)