Welcome to the BePro Software. This article will help you to get your new theme up and running. We package our theme in a zip file. To install, simply proceed to the Appearance->Themes admin menu. Use the “add new” button and upload the theme on the resulting page.
Demo Content
The following are data files for the WordPress and BePro Listings content. If you would like your website to look like our demo, then you will need to upload these files.
- WordPress Export
- Listing Data
- Theme
The WordPress export file should be imported using the Tools->Import admin menu. The BePro Listings file should be installed via the BePro Listings->Options admin menu. Once setup, your website will look like the demo content
Installing the Theme
In your WordPress admin area, you will see a menu labelled Appearance->Themes. At the top of that page, you should click the button that says “Add New”. On the resulting page, click the button that says “Upload Theme”. Upload the file named “bepro-business-directory”. At this point the theme is installed and you should be able to see a basic layout on the front-end of your website
This theme has special placement and designs for the following addons. They are not required to use the theme; However, they do enhance the look/feel in various ways
If installed, they will populate with data the you upload from the WordPress export file. These sections will also be available in templates that are designed to use them as seen in our demos.
Installing WordPress Content
If interested in setting up your theme to look like our demo then there are a few more steps. Click the tools->Import admin menu. Scroll to the bottom where it says WordPress and click “run importer” Upload the file named bizdirectory.wordpress.20XX-XX-XX.xml. The X’s will represent the last date we exported this file. Assign the posts to the admin user when prompted.
You will also need to manually specify your home page for WordPress. Go to the Settings->Reading admin page and select the “Static page” radio button. It will reveal 2 option. Select the home page as “Home” and the blog page as “Blog”
Installing BePro Listings Content
If you would like to see the Listings from our demo on your website, there is one final step. Go to the BePro Listings->Options admin menu. Go to the “CSV Upload” tab. There you should select “~” as the delimiter. Then upload the “BizDirectory_Results-20XX-XX-XX.csv” file.
We are excited to present this theme to the community. Its designed to showcase BePro Listings and we hope you like it. Installation of the theme should be quick and similar to any other theme found online. If you run into issues during installation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team in our forums