Since version 2.0.0, you can forward your form submissions to Salesforce. Submissions are stored locally within WordPress like they have since the beginning. Now, once you select Salesforce via the form interface, it will also send the submission to the Salesforce servers.
BePro Software is focused on developing solutions that make you money. Our Form Builder has shown its pedigree in the past with the ability to accept payments with your submissions. Now, you can store your leads in Salesforce so that your sales team can follow up
Salesforce is one of the largest web based companies online. Through customer interaction, we learnt that customers preferred a customization platform like this, so that their call center, sales team, or other departments could better utilize the lead data. Our Form Builder makes this possible by interfacing with the Salesforce platform. We believe this is an important step for our Form Builder
The plugin facilitates the options to customize it with your Salesforce account login data. To do this follow these steps
- Add a hidden field to your form with the field name oid and your account number from Salesforce
- On the form settings tab while editing your form, select Salesforce as the action
From then on, when users submit leads through this form, the leads will be sent to Salesforce as well as being stored locally in your database. This allows you to cross reference the leads in Salesforce to audit and confirm all leads have made it into their system
Integrate your forms with Salesforce. Continue to make the submissions searchable to front end users if you like. Continue to charge users for submissions if you like. Now, you can opt to utilize the power of your Marketing infrastructure which is tied into Salesforce, to make the most out of leads you capture through the BePro Listings Form Builder