BePro Cart comes with a lot of features. It works with other plugins to facilitate user payments. Its a great free way to collect payments. Here are a few facts that may answer a few questions you have about BePro Cart
Which payment types can I accept?
Currently only paypal express
Is this plugin free?
Yes it is free and always will be.
Are there any addons?
We are currently developing multiple addons including payment gateways.
Does this plugin manage products?
Do I have to worry about security (SSL?)
No, currently we only accept paypal express which sends the user to paypal to complete the order
Where can I use the shopping cart
This product features a shopping cart. You can place the shopping cart on a particular page or you can place it in the sidebar. It showcases the various products which have been added with their quantities. It also allows users to remove items and reduce quantities in the cart
Plugin Integration
This plugin has an open architecture which allows other plugin makers to integrate. When payments are confirmed, the plugin which initiated the purchase, is alerted to its success. That plugin can then notify the user, update records, or other activities related to the order. The reaction will differ depending on the plugin which added the item to the shopping cart.
Admin Configuration
we offer various settings for you to configure. Some are cart wide settings while others are paypal specific settings. Once setup correctly, the plugin offers sandbox or live payment options
Payment Tracking
The admin area allows you to track purchases that have come through. You can view important info like, name, price and date of order. You can also create and edit those order details