2checkout is another great payment option offered by BePro Cart. Once BePro Cart is installed, you can use this addon to either add to your payment options or replace them altogether. This addon requires that you have a 2checkout account and have retrieved the necessary api keys. Click here to purchase the 2CO BePro Cart addon
- BePro Cart 1.0.3 or later
2Checkout is a popular payment option for north american based companies. If you are worried about fraudulent transactions, this is a popular option to consider. In addition, they are known for accepting payments from more international locations than paypal
Users like this option because of the ability to accept payments directly on your website. By default, this means that the user isn’t required to have a 3rd party user/pass to use this option. Popular research has emerged saying that this approach reduces cart abandonment rates
Once you have installed BePro Cart by following our setup instructions, you simply need to follow these simple steps
- Install and activate the 2CO addon
- Go to the BePro Cart Admin page and select the 2CO tab
- Fill in the fields with your 2CO api credentials Required fields include
- Private key
- Public key
- Client ID
- Username
- Password
- Currency (9 offered including usd, brl, inr, aud, sek, mxn, zar, eur, cad)
- Fill in the fields with your 2CO api credentials Required fields include
Once you have accomplished these steps, the 2CO option will be available for all customers during checkout. Note that you can set the payment gateway to testing/sandbox mode, so that you can confirm its working as expected before processing live transactions
The setup of this 2CO payment gateway is easy and quick. The benefits are big considering this payment gateway will help you to reach new customers. It also features on page checkout, which is known to reduce cart abandonment rates.