With our BePro Listings plugin, there is a lot of information to showcase. Too much to show in a listing summary. Thats why you have listings and a dedicated page for details. This post covers all the different icons you can come across with BePro Listings
When you activate our google map feature, you probably get your first experience with our icons. We found it important to replace the stock google maps icon so that customers know we are serious about the customization experience we offer
If you have our BePro Listings Icons addon, you will be able to showcase what media (other addons) are available within that listing detail page. This is great for helping your customer to quickly see the differences that each listing offers. All of our media and social addon’s tie into the BePro Listings Icons plugin to use this feature
You may also notice that with BePro Listings, we allow you to feature your listings. When you do, it is automatically assigned a featured flag AKA icon. This flag shows up automatically once a category is designated as featured. This is explained in our Featured Listings documentation page
With BePro Listings, we help you to list and search many types of information in various groupings. We use icons to help distinguish between how many different types of information are contained within a single listing.