Now you can become a vendor on With a one time fee per year, you have the flexibility to grow revenue through product sales. We accept various digital products focused on BePro Software solutions. Currently we are focused on wordpress plugins and themes
HOW IT WORKS uses our BePro Listings product. So the interface may be familiar to many. Simply fill out the submission form, select the package of interest and submit the form. You are immediately sent to the checkout page for payment. Once we receive a successful payment, your first listing is immediately published. You can then create/edit/delete all listings in your purchased package from your My Listings page.
Your listing links back to your website or payment setup. So you collect payment in whatever method works best for you and your business. This is unpresedented in the plugin and theme listing world, where they usually set the price of your product and only pay you a portion of what the product pays for. As developers ourselves, we obviously do not agree.
Now you can interact with the customer and provide the support level that you consider important. Apart from some simple mandatory guidelines to keep everyone safe and honest, you are able to fully control the distribution of your product.
You are paid immediately in whatever method you want. This is a great way to grow revenue for your business and exposure for your business. Your product will be listed with all others, giving it full visibility to customers.
Extend distribution for your products. You are able to distribute your products on other websites, without any penalty. This gives you the opportunity to find as many customers as you can for your product.
Bundle products, provide discounts, manage documentation and do anything else you believe your product needs. This is unprecedented freedom. For the first time, you can actually control all aspects of how you market and sell your product. This is easy since the transaction happens on your website.
We have all seen major products launched on wordpress. They are usually monopolized leaving you to watch from the sidelines. Our BePro Software Suite was designed to be easily extended by anyone. We provide documentation explaining exactly how you create your own products which integrate with our infrastructure. We are already making money on the platform and you can too
With our new website, you can now easily and quickly join in the revenue possibilities. Create your addon and quickly share it with the world. Note that our team will quickly review all submissions to confirm they meet our standards and will periodically check up on all listings.
The result is a revenue stream with very few restrictions. Sell on other websites, sell other products, set you own price. There are no caps on how much you can make and you get 100% of whatever you can convince customers to pay you.
If you would like to grow your income, consider creating and posting your plugin on This is a great way to get visibility and add distribution for your product. Our tools allow you to monitor progress, so you always know how your product sales are performing. Be a part of our growing community and become a vendor today!