Buy A Property Listings Website!

Showcase your properties online. Premium real estate website, hosting, and marketing solution. Increase visibility and convert more buyers with our custom built solution for short term rentals, property developers, and real estate agencies.

Our team will build, host, market, and maintain a custom property listings directory for you which reflects your business. This allows you to focus on showcasing your inventory and communicating with website visitors.

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Create A Business Directory Website!

Create an online business directory with BePro Listings and its addons. We feature a range of addon tools like Mapping and search features to help your visitors find listings. We also feature tools to work with businesses to capture their listings and collect payments

BePro Listings comes packed with a range of features and incorporates SEO standards like SCHEMA to make sure the listings are found online. For those with unique directory needs, we also feature a range of addons like our Form Builder and themes like the BePro Business Directory. It’s intuitive design works for most but can be easily customized.

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Your Canadian Fleet and Property management software specialists, supporting Drupal, WordPress, and Shopify solutions. We provide cloud server hosting, online marketing, and custom website solutions. supports companies with the adoption of technology through training, installation, custom development, and ongoing maintenance solutions. Our Canadian team specializes in PHP and Python solutions on WP Engine, Azure, GCP, and AWS.

On this website, you will find our extensive video training library including website management, marketing, and advanced topics like artificial intelligence. Subscribe for a flat monthly fee to all available courses.

Our BePro Software Team also develops and maintains many software solutions. All are discussed in our blog and documentation area. Some of our products are sold in our store. All prices are in USD.

Our Products and Services
10 SEO Articles

Our team is focused on providing marketing solutions. Blog remains a great way to attract visitors from search engines. It’s also one of the best ways to get backlinks to your website. Our team will craft custom search engine optimized articles specific to your business niche and customer focus. Click here for details

Date: 10 SEO Articles was last modified: September 4th, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at
Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are now some of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Our team will work with you to target your customers monthly and provide reports on sales attributed to ads and activities we run on social sites. Learn more here.

Date: Social Media Marketing was last modified: September 4th, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at
Newsletter Email Marketing

Allow our team to setup and manage a newsletter email marketing campaign for you. This service is offered on a monthly subscription providing flexibility to scale your marketing strategy as needed

Date: Newsletter Email Marketing was last modified: December 6th, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at
Search Engine Optimization

Google, Bing, and Yahoo are still great ways to get traffic to your website. We offer a monthly subscription option for long term growth of you traffic from SEO. We will work with you to target your customers through this medium. Learn More Here.

Date: Search Engine Optimization was last modified: August 24th, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at
E-Commerce Web Development

Get fast, professional E-commerce web development help for multiple platforms including Shopify and WooCommerce. We develop and support e-commerce sites with Marketing solutions. Hire our BePro Software team today.

Date: E-Commerce Web Development was last modified: December 5th, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at
WCAG AA Accessibility Review

WCAG is the website accessibility standard created by the international organization W3C. We offer a review of your website design or existing website for the AA level of conformance. Purchase a review

Date: WCAG AA Accessibility Review was last modified: December 21st, 2022 by BePro Software Team Management at

Create plugin w/ Widget Tutorial

In this technical focused video tutorial, we talk about creating a wordpress plugin. This particular demo focuses on an example where the plugin will produce a widget. We walk you through what classes are needed and how they need to be extended to achieve our goal. Any developers creating plugins or themes should consider watching……...

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WordPress screen options

In this iteration of our wordpress introduction series, we talk about the screen options tab in the wordpress admin. Its visible while editing posts and pages and provides lots of control over what you can see on those edit pages WORDPRESS SCREEN OPTIONS VIDEO In this video we show you where to find the screen……...

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Upload Files to your server via FTP

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a method by which you can communicate with your server regarding the movement of files. Desktop applications provide a graphical user interface to this communication medium, allowing you to transfer files to and from your server and desktop. This video tutorial is helpful for those who intend to upload plugins,……...

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BePro Listings Galleries

Recently, we have added lots of new gallery features to BePro Listings. Specifically, you can now see which images are attached to a listing while editing it. This provides more insight into the order of the images. With the BePro Listings galleries addon, you can even rearrange the order of the images. GALLERY VIDEO The……...

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Date: Home was last modified: December 27th, 2024 by BePro Software Team Management at