The newest version of our Form Builder fixes a few bugs and introduces a major new feature. Specifically, the add and edit process for Forms has been refined. Also, you can now set the form builder to change the form dependent on the category or package selection.
BePro Listings uses ajax to change search results without refreshing the page. This tactic continues with our conditional forms. Choose to either manage forms by category or by payment package. If you choose category, the form changes as the user changes the category. If you choose to use conditional logic based on payment package, the form changes as the users clicks the various package options.
The category option is great for solutions like product catalogs. You can set a different form for each category. That way, each listing has relevant information on it.
The package option is great for classifieds websites where you need to create an incentive for users to choose a more expensive package. In essence, you are now able to charge more for more features. For example, you can allow one package option to be able to upload images while the other cannot.
The newest version of our BePro Listings Form Builder is our most robust and feature rich iteration of the plugin. It introduces conditional logic and fixes some of the bugs experienced during form management. Remember, what sets this Form Builder apart from others is the ability to search and view its submissions from the frontend. This new version continues our trend of being the best solution for directories, product catalogs and related listing websites.
very good plugin that can be used to costumier the form on front end in portfolio and classified managment