Tagged: packages

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  • #5385


    Butting in here =) would be great if there was an option for individual listing submission forms to have an option to upgrade to a paid listing which would feature the ad, keep it on top of the category listing page and to include a web address (or any other other field selected by admin).

    Example (submit a listing page):


    Featured? Yes/No

    Website address (only available if featured selected):


    Then once submitted takes you to payment gateway if featured listing has been selected.



    And/or maybe optional premium extras like:

    Urgent (add $4) – Highlights the ad in red
    Featured (add $4) – Keeps on top of the category listing page


    Hi @Lucy,

    Great suggestions. We are in the development phase, so now is the best time to chime in 🙂 Our thoughts were to approach this issue in two ways:

    1. We will upgrade the form builder, allowing you to specify which forms are available per package.
    2. Users can switch packages today. We will make it more inviting and easier to understand.

    We understand that popular sites use upsells/addons. We hope to implement this down the line, once we have confirmed a robust package management system.

    Ultimately, we anticipate that this approach will provide the flexibility to create packages you believe will be most inviting to your users. How does this approach sound to everyone?
    BePro Software Team


    Have a simple tick box on forms that users can opt to have a featured paid ad instead of a free one? Simplicity of use for website users is number one for sure.

    Looking forward to seeing more ideas/developments!

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