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  • #5044


    Maybe you are looking for the following info? You cannot change all fields but you can select a few

    BePro Software Team


    Yea, that’s exactly what i wanted, but one thing i noticed after the changes made by your team is that the default fields are not displaying anymore like # Beds, # Baths and Sqft.

    Also, at the edit listing through admin, i can see 2 empty settings, check image:

    Empty Options


    I just checked and i have added on the form builder the Realestate fields, and it didnt display at the frontend, maybe something missing?



    1) The listing needs to be created with a form which uses the real estate fields. Alternatively, while editing a listing, you may see an option to assign a form. If not presented with an opportunity to assign a form to the listing, then delete the listing and create a new one

    2) If you are using one of the form builder listing templates, then the default fields will not show. These templates are specifically designed for you to customize which fields are shown in listing results.

    You may also want to consider replacing the single real estate field, with 7 separate individual fields. Although a more involved process, it would provide the flexibility to control exactly which fields show up in search results. Ultimately, we are working on evolving this customization process in future versions of the Form Builder and real estate addons
    BePro Software Team


    Yes, that works using 7 separate fields, but i can’t make it them searcheable with the search shortcode right?



    The form builder does not make any fields searchable. The real estate plugin will still allow you to search # of room and # of bath. You will need to use the search filter shortcode or widget to utilize that feature

    BePro Software Team


    Yes, but how the search by # roms and # beds will understand the new fields created by the form builder?

    Like, if i go to the form builder like your suggestion and create new fields for realestate, how can i search that?

    My problem is, with the shortcode to display the cost, i can’t display the realestate fields, without it, can’t display the cost field.

    It’s complicated to achieve what i need here without setup help.

    I can’t even see the realestate fields when i drop them into the form builder.



    I can understand your confusion. What you are trying to do is possible, but not something we advertise.

    The real estate button is nothing more than a group of fields. The fields you create, simply need to have the same “name” and be the same type, as the ones used by the real estate button. When you add or edit the real estate element, the “names” for each field are shown on the left. Replicate each field exactly and they will work as if you used the real estate button.

    BePro Software Team

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