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  • #5717

    my ideas was to browse classifed on map, however current version do not support more than 50 listings on map, please help me regarding this.

    expecting your soonest reply



    We are working on adding this feature to the plugin. It may be a week or so before the feature is released. If you need it sooner, contact our support team for a quote via [email protected]

    BePro Software Team


    Hello, Just wondering if there has been any update on this? I think this is a feature that I would very much like to be able to execute too.



    This feature was released with the latest version 2.1.9992. You can now use the “limit” option in the [generate_map] shortcode to list as many listings as you want.

    We are working on updating the documentation and eventually the shortcode builder to reflect this new capability.
    BePro Software Team


    ok, so it’s something like [generate_map limit=’50’]? Is there a way to say limit=’all’?



    No, there is no limit “all” option. You must put an integer in there. You would use the same limit value you are using with the display_listings shortcode.

    There is a limit for the simple reason that there will be performance degradation if you allow customers to pull thousands of listings on a page load. Every server is different. With the limit option, you set the threshold to what makes sense for your setup.
    BePro Software Team

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by BePro Software Team. Reason: added reasoning why its setup this way

    ok, so I’m thinking about maybe taking a total reverse approach here. I start with a map displaying zero listings, I allow users to tag/check listings in order for them to display on the map and then the user can see how far apart they are from each other.

    Is this something that would be possible to do with existing plugins? I think as far as performance goes it would actually have a positive impact to be able to use the map in such a way.

    I also think in this instance you would also need to be able to untag/uncheck listings in order to remove them from the map again.


    Hi Jam,

    One way that users can create a custom set of listings, is with the favorites addon. Users can specify the listings they like and dislike. Using a shortcode provided by the plugin, you can create a page displaying the listings that user liked (thumbs up). It allows users to change their votes

    In this case, you would use it as a selection tool, compared to a “favorites statistic”. As the name suggests, the plugin was originally designed to highlight popular listings. However, there is no requirement to share selections from other users. You can set it up so that users only see their own selections

    Do you think we can extend the favorites plugin to fit your needs? It doesn’t currently provide the map but it could be added.
    BePro Software Team


    That does seem like the way to go, what I’m thinking is that I’ll add another page… on my site it would be something along the lines of “my journey” and have it only available to registered users (I can do that part), so that people just browsing can do so with cached pages (again, save on resource).

    that page layout will basically be

    [favorites_map] (or however you want to define it)


    I think for my purposes though (and other potential users) if we’re using this as a selection tool then I would obviously need to be able to customise name, as I’ve suggested it’d be something like “add to my journey” that appears with each listing. It would also in this case be preferable to have some options other than a thumbs up to make it more obvious what you’re doing, a check/uncheck box would probably look better. I think that this is probably a small addition to the plugin from your end, but really could help the user experience.


    actually I’m sure you’ll just do a normal [generate_map favourites=1] or something to pull through the selected listings onto the map.

    I do think there are going to be other applications for this, because really the whole idea of having a map is to measure distance… so for anyone using bepro to generate multiple map listings for users, it could be good to give users the ability to select and deselect listings that appear on the map simultaneously.


    Hi @jam,

    Yes, we do see the benefit of users being able to select a custom set of listings, for various reasons including comparison.

    This is ultimately already part of our development path. Like all other requests, its development depends on funding from the community and team member availability. When we make progress on this feature, someone will updated this post.

    If your need is urgent, contact us via [email protected] with your exact needs and we can provide a quote. So far, some of the items you outlined like checkboxes and distance, seem unrelated to the original rating goals of the favorites addon. We may need to create a completely separate and unique plugin, focused on your specific needs.

    BePro Software Team


    I don’t think the need is going to be urgent, I’ve removed the maps for now but I think it would be a good feature to have in the future. If you do end up creating a separate plugin or develop the map to display favorites then let me know.


    I’ve decided that I want to go for this. I’m purchasing the favorites plugin now, do you think you can make those adjustments for the map so that I can use it to only display listings selected as favorites?



    Great choice. Yes, we will schedule the map enhancement for development and update this post when its created
    BePro Software Team


    Thanks guys, I’ve purchased the addon… looking forward to the update!

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