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  • #2380

    Is there a way to create a hyperlink that will perform a predetermined “Where” search?

    For example, similar to the way will return listings with the Listing Category number 10. Can we create a hyperlink that will return listings for a “Where” search?
    Like let’s say on the page where I have the [search_form] shortcode and the [display_listings] shortcode, I wanted to include a link on this page that said “California” and clicking it will return all listings in the state of California. This way I can give my users an alternate option to typing the name of the state by me manually creating a hyperlink list of the names of states I have listings in. I can create this list either above or below the search form. This would be pretty helpful as my listings will only be in very few States as of right now.

    Is this possible and if so what would the hyperlink code look like?




    This is a great suggestion and we have been toying with the idea for a while. Truth is, it was released with the free base plugin about a year ago. Unfortunately, the feature was eventually removed.

    You can expect to see it in an upcoming upgrade of the BePro Listings Search addon. It will work via shortcode and you will be able to enter the options via the wordpress admin. You can set the following options

    – title
    – where (optional)
    – name (optional).

    BePro Software Team



    Thanks for your patience.

    We have recently updated our search addon to include the search links feature. Now you can manage links in the admin and list them on the frontend. Upgrade to the latest version of the Search addon, to take advantage for these features
    BePro Software Team

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