Tagged: documents, video

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  • #6869

    Thank you for your response to the issues I am having with displaying videos and documents. I included your instructions below for reference. I have tried the suggestions, but am still having problems, so I will respond to each of your notes:

    1. I see the fields for managing the video links and I pasted a video link into field 1.

    2. I adjusted the BePro Addon settings for the galleries as you recommended, but still do not see the video. If you go to the listings page at http://sph-centerweb.oit.umn.edu:8002/?page_id=1624 you will see the listing for the video (4th entry – 1st one on the second row). You see there is an image there, so it captured the image for the video, but when you click the listing to view the video, there is no video in the individual listing. It’s also not showing anything in the gallery preview area you mentioned – not sure if it should be appearing there.

    3. I don’t see an admin media menu when I am editing the listing. There is a blank white box above the video links … is this where the document/media upload should be? I did click the WordPress “Add Media” button and added the file that way, but it inserted it as a link into the description. I was assuming the document was more like an attachment, not embedded into the description.

    4. The gallery area doesn’t seem to be working correctly either, or I’m not figuring it out. When I added the document listings and click on it to view the individual listing, I now get the featured image for the document repeated where the “gallery” area is. Take a look at one of the fact sheet listings on the page I provided to see what I mean.

    Thank you again for all your help. I have been through COUNTLESS plugins trying to find the one that will do what I need, and I’m confident this is the right plugin – I just have to figure out how to get it to work. 🙂

    In the end, what I need is a resource directory/database of documents, videos, and URL links that users can filter and search by keyword, title, tag, and category. I think I’m close!

    BePro Software Team wrote:


    You can create listings from the admin or frontend with videos and documents. Here are a few things to note

    1. In the admin, the fields for managing video links, should be at the bottom of each listing add/edit page.
    2. To view videos in a listing, you have to adjust the admin settings under BePro Listings->Addons and the Galleries tab. Set the “Gallery type” to “Slider1” or “Slider2” and select “Use lightbox”
    2b. You do not need to embed anything. If you can see the video screenshot, the video details were imported correctly and should play when you click the image in the slider
    3. All uploaded files are managed through the wordpress media manager. Do you see the uploaded file when viewing the admin media menu? If not, while editing a listing, try to re-upload the file via the “add media” button and let us know if you get any warnings
    3b. Since the wordpress media manager isn’t the most intuitive, you will notice that we have put a gallery preview in the right sidebar while editing listings. We are scheduled to release a document preview feature in approximately a week. Its goal is to simplifying admin management of documents.

    If you have any further questions or continue to experience issues, please create a new forum post with your responses. This will make it easier for other users to learn from your questions, as you did from this tags related post.
    BePro Software Team



    Thanks for your patience. I’m sure we can get everything setup for you. Ultimately, we would be happy to login and check things out if needed. However, there are a few other troubleshooting steps to try first.

    1. What happens when you return to one of the stock wordpress themes (twentytwelve, twentyfifteen, etc)? Does the gallery and video show in the frontend?

    2. You are right, after you have uploaded the document, there is no need to add it to the post. Simply close the window and save the post. The document should then be available in the frontend, under the documents tab

    3. While we test, we want to confirm that the tabs section works on the listing detail page. Under the BePro Listings->Options admin menu, select “In Tab” for the “Show Content” option under the “Page/Post” tab. Let us know if the tabs show up on the frontend
    BePro Software Team


    When I changed to a stock theme (Twenty Thirteen), the video showed in the listing gallery, but the document still doesn’t show up. The documents tab is there, but it says “No Documents Attached”

    The tab section does appear in the listing (in both our theme and the stock WordPress theme). However, there is nothing in the tabs – under the documents and videos tabs it says there is nothing attached.



    We seem to be making progress. We can safely assume there is a conflict with your theme regarding the gallery

    1. The video that’s in the gallery. Click it to watch the video. The plugin does not download the video from youtube, it simply plays it directly from youtube via a pop up lightbox. The only thing that’s actually downloaded from youtube are the screen shots. So there should be nothing under the videos tab in the listings, unless you actually upload a video file

    2. Try uploading a new document, that you have never used before. Use the front end form for simplicity or use the “add media” button while editing via the admin. Remember, after its uploaded, simply close the media lightbox pop up and save the listing. The file should show up in the documents tab in the frontend.

    Let me know what happens. Once we confirm these are working, we can address the gallery conflict with your theme

    BePro Software Team


    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I had a family medical emergency last week so I wasn’t working on this project for a few days.

    The video functionality seems to work fine with the default WordPress template. When I switch back to my template, I lose the video lightbox to view the video.

    I haven’t been able to get the document function to work in either template. When I try to add a document using the “Add Media” button, it uploads the document, but it doesn’t appear anywhere in my listing. When I try using the form to add the document, the form isn’t fillable – it shows up just like a wysiwyg editor page, not a fillable form, so I can’t upload a document.

    I have found that I can do a workaround if I paste the document or video links directly in the details or description of the listing (don’t use it like a gallery). However, I now have the problem that the gallery area is showing multiple images of the document and I can’t seem to remove the gallery images. If there is a way to just remove the gallery display, I think this workaround will work for me – I’ll just put my links or embedded video directly in the description.



    If you can share an administrator login via [email protected] we would be happy to show you a demo of the documents plugin working on your website. Once that’s setup, we can discuss options

    BePro Software Team

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