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  • #10269

    Hi, here I am again.
    I have the following problem. I uninstalled bepro listings and all bepro listing plugins. When I reinstalled bepro listings form builder and tried to activated I had a message saying that there is a fatal error, I got some specific lines that seems to have the problem.

    I can’t send you the block of error that I get because the system doesn’t allow me. Can I send it by email?

    Before I delete and reinstall the plugins I had no problem.
    Is there any possible solution?

    Thank you.



    Hi Maria,

    Which version of BePro Listings and the form builder are you using? Do you have a database or server backup you can utilize? If not, maybe there are a few other steps we can try.

    Option 1

    1. install BePro Listings first
    2. Then all other related plugins

    Option 2

    1 – Deactivate all plugins that are not created by the BePro Software Team
    2 – Re-install BePro Listings and then the Form Builder

    If the options above don’t work, then please email our support team with a copy of the error.
    BePro Software Team


    I’m using bepro listings Versión 2.2.0033 form builder Versión 2.0.0 , I also have a backup of everything, I will restore the site and tell you the result

    Thank you


    I used option 2, deactivated all plugins, deleted a; bepro plugins and reinstalled, get the same error. I’m sending the error by mail



    For some reason every time I try to install form builder it creates a directory in plugins that add a -1 in the name of the directory. The first time was bepro_listings_form_builder-1 and the second time bepro_listings_form_builder-1-1



    This is because there is an existing folder with that name. This scenario would happen with any plugin that is repeatedly uploaded to wordpress. We suggest deleting all of the folders with the name “form_builder” via FTP, then attempting to install the Form Builder again.

    Let us know if you continue to experience issues with the plugin folders.
    BePro Software Team

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