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  • #6998

    I love this plugin, but am having some trouble.

    I’ve watched your videos and can’t seem to find a solution. URL:www.abos.cidcreative.com

    All I need is a directory of physician listings. The widget on the right side of the home page is where the problem is. If you click on Alabama, it is not clickable. All I need is a directory of physicians, categorized by state where the viewer can click on the state, see the physicians in that area, and click on their name to get info. Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by cidcreative. Reason: URL didnt show


    1) Is “Ajax On?” selected on the BePro Listings->Options admin page?
    2) If you deactivate all plugins and themes not created by the BePro Software Team, does the issue continue?
    3) Can you list the shortcodes you are using in addition to the widget?
    4. What is listed on the BePro Listings->BPL Status page?

    BePro Software Team


    Thank you for your speedy reply. I have both your plugins installed: BePro Listings and BePro Listings Business Directory

    Ajax is on (under Search/Listings tab).

    I have knot yet tired deactivating other plugins. I am using a template and the only plugins I have are: Akismet, Fusion Core, LayerSlider WP, Revolution Slider, and Wordfence Security.

    Shortcode used for widget and Listings page [display_listing_categories]. I have tried other combinations, but they don’t seem to work.

    My status is:

    BePro Listings
    Database Tables OK
    File Path bepro-listings/bepro_listings.php
    Google API OK
    Result Templates OK
    File Get Contents OK
    Memory Limit 256M
    Max Upload Size 128M
    PHP Time Limit 30
    ASP Tags OFF
    Type Apache
    IP Address XX.XX.XXX.XXX
    Protocol HTTP



    For us to help further, you will need to deactivate all plugins and themes not created by the BePro Software Team

    Also note that the display_listings or generate_map shortcode is required when using the widget

    BePro Software Team


    Thank you. I was still having trouble and the list is quite long to be showing in one column on the home page. So, I added a link in the widget to direct people to the listings page.

    Can you please check this page?: http://www.abos.cidcreative.com/listings/
    When I click on Alabama on that page (there are two entries in that category) I get a message saying:

    Alabama Category
    No Sub Categories



    If there are no listings in the category then they will not show in searches and will result in “No Sub Categories”

    Glad to hear we were able to help you figure out the issue and get everything working. Good luck with your project

    BePro Software Team


    But there are two listings in that category, so I still have a problem 🙁


    In which category, the one that’s showing or the ones that aren’t?

    BePro Software Team


    Okay, this is the situation. I have about 300 doctors among 50 states. I have added two entries for Alabama. (State >>> Alabama). How do I set it up so that when someone clicks on Alabama, they click on the doctor names and see the info? Thank you.



    I would suggest the following

    1. create a category for each state
    2. Remove the category you have named “state”
    3. Create a listing for each doctor. Each listing would have 1 category assigned.
    4. You should read our shortcode documentation to understand your layout options. For now, remove the shortcode you are currently using and instead use the bl_all_in_one shortcode
    5. If you need help, we can set this up within 1hr of product support
    6. You should also consider our Form Builder addon which will allow you to customize the information about the doctors

    In short, what you are trying to accomplish is 100% possible with BePro Listings. I’m sorry to hear you are having so much difficulty getting started. I suggest that you use our documentation section which provides video examples of the various BePro Listings features. Or allow our team to help you within an hour.
    BePro Software Team

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