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  • #3949

    ok, I am using 2 shortcodes on one page to manage property listing submissions,
    [bl_my_listings] and [create_listing_form bl_form_id=”3″]

    for some reason I can not figure out, [bl_my_listings] completely breaks the page. absolutely nothing displays when the shortcode is used anywhere on the page unless an admin is viewing the page.

    this is the code on the page, notice the shortcodes are in a VC tab element:

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_tabs][vc_tab title="My Properties" tab_id="1420564181-1-42"][vc_column_text][bl_my_listings][/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title="Add A Property" tab_id="1420564181-2-92"][vc_column_text][create_listing_form bl_form_id="3"][/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][/vc_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]

    Admin viewing page:
    Displays Correctly

    Non-admin viewing page (VIP Business Account):
    Displays Incorrectly

    When I remove [bl_my_listings] the rest of the page displays properly, including the Add Listing tab that contains [create_listing_form bl_form_id=”3″]


    ok, so the problem is that if the user has no existing properties, the shortcode breaks the page. If i add a property to the user in question, the page displays properly. This wont really work, can you make the shortcode just display without a property?

    I even tried to put the shortcode on the page outside of the tab element, in its own separate area and it still causes the ENTIRE page not to display



    Thanks for alerting us to this issue. We will investigate

    BePro Software Team


    any luck on this?


    We released a fix. Are you still experiencing the issue?

    BePro Software Team


    yes I am still experiencing the same problem.



    In that case, maybe there is a misunderstanding. The feature is “My Listings”. So you cant see other peoples listings; whether you are admin or not. So to clarify, if a user did not create any listings, or had one assigned to them, they will not see any listings on their “My Listings” page.

    If you look at bepro_listings/templates/list.php you will see an IF/Else declaration. We either show the listings or show a table with no listings. Unfortunately, we have no idea why that would break your template. Does the issue persist with the VC elements removed?
    BePro Software Team


    yes, that is the crazy thing. it does not show the empty table at all even without vc elements.



    Can you test with some var_dump/print_r declarations to see if the program is actually engaging the IF/ELSE statement? Put one in the if statement and one in the else statement. If neither is printing, that would help us to diagnose whats possibly preventing the empty table from showing.

    BePro Software Team


    hmm, that is something i am not even sure how to do.

    what file are the statements in

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by philmay.


    The file is bepro_listings/templates/list.php

    However, maybe we can try something different. Does the issue persist with one of the stock wordpress themes (twentytwelve, twentythirteen, etc). Also, try deactivating every plugin no created by our BePro Software Team.

    This approach should help us to isolate the plugin/theme that’s causing this conflict.
    BePro Software Team

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