Our plugin BePro Listings is ideal for those who simply want to showcase their products. It facilitates a great way for users to easily search and filter through your categorized product inventory. Feature, images, price, details and more with our stock 100% free plugin.
NOT E-Commerce
The genre of e-commerce is becoming very popular. However, there is still the need to simply showcase your products. This is prevalent especially in industries where the price is negotiable or product customization’s are difficult to express online
BePro Listings is modular. It facilitates many ways for you to uniquely feature and showcase your wordpress product catalog. Feature details like
- Price – Show the cost with your currency sign
- Photos – Feature a photo and allow users to view entire galleries
- Details- Tell users about your products with as much information as you can supply
- Listings – Allow users to search and filter through your inventory. We offer multiple listing styles
- Maps – Use the geolocation features to show your inventory on google maps (on your website)
When you are ready to list even more, we have over 13 addons and counting to help you along the way. With our addons, you can do things like
- Videos – Our Video addon works with several websites like youtube and vimeo. It also plays uploaded videos via html5 with a flash fallback option
- Documents – Sometimes a schematic, floor plan, or other documenation is better offered to the customer in a file type that best supports your needs. Offer your users pdfs, wrd, odt, and other file types
- Contact – The best time to make that connection is when the customer has already view the inventory and is ready to purchase. Capitalize on this time and allow your customer to contact you
- Booking – If time is money and money is exchanged face to face, then this plugin does it all. Allow users to reserve time to see the product
If interested in creating an online catalog for your products, then go no further than BePro Listings. With its addons and $1 themes, you have many options to quickly get started and provide a professional outlet to showcase your inventory.