BePro Listings is your best source for wordpress directory features and themes revolving around businesses. You can list, departments, employees, buildings, and tons of other types of content. You can also showcase this information in multiple ways including google maps.
Use BePro Listings to provide the following important directory type features:
- Buddypress – (New for 1.2.0) Allow your users to manage their submissions from their profile.
- Custom posts – Listings are separate to your other posts in the admin and front end.
- Listing Categories – (Custom Taxonomies) 4 different directory style layouts including optional images
- Listings – List by Category NEW! (e.g. “featured only”). Two templates come with the base plugin and they can be extended.
- Google Maps api v3.5 – Great for showing listings via a map with no need for API keys.
- Front end Submission – Allow visitors to post, or lock it to members only, or it submits to you as pending.
- Validations – User Form Submissions are validated using jQuery.
- Search Features – Allow users to search by name, location, or various filterable options.
- WordPress Integration – Admin/features are familiar and integrate with your existing theme.
- Hooks & Filters – Developers will love the documentation & ability to easily extend features.
- Shortcodes & Widgets – Several ways to feature the information and engage your visitor.
- Admin Options – Control the ability for users to intereact with features and information.
- Multisite – Now multisite compatible, expand the use of this plugin throughout your network.
- Gallery – Works with the wordpress gallery shortcode, so its compatible with many gallery plugins
BePro listings is 100% free to download and use. If you like the base plugin, then consider that we have an assortment of $1 one dollar wordpress themes and addon features to consider. These include:
[products ids=”765,849″]
[products ids=”561, 565, 554, 572,595,610,733, 743,881,1003″]
If you are interested in setting up a business directory, we recommend you consider the BePro Listings. This product offers themes and addon features which are popular/needed with directory listing sites. If you have any questions, check out our BePro Listings forums