BePro Listings has various techniques for allowing users to view or play your attached media. There is no other listings plugin which will list, play and/or view, document, video and audio files, all on the same page. Some of our media options also support HTML5. This post goes over a few of the options
BePro Listings offers the following support for attaching media to listings
- Audio – We support several audio types and facilitate an audio player for your guests. Our player will play several audio file types including (aif, aac, au, gsm, mid, midi, mp3, m4a, snd, ra, ram, rm, wav, wma)
- Video – You can attach videos from several websites including facebook, youtube, google, spike, vimeo, dailymotion, and cnn. You can also upload several supported file types. Our video player will attempt to play the following file types (asx, asf, avi, flv, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, qt, ra, smil, swf, wmv, 3g2, 3gp)
- Documents – Several files types are supported by our document viewer including (bmp, html, pdf, psd, qif, qtif, qti, tif, tiff, xaml)
- Gallery – Our Gallery organizes your photos in a slider. You have several to choose from
Several of our media options also support the new technology HTML5. Our plugins will test your the customers browser to confirm it supports the technology. If it does, and the plugin provides that solution, it will automatically feed media via HTML5
The setup is easy. Simply attach the media to your post/listing and its done. The front end setup is the same. The user simply uploads the file and BePro Listings takes care of the rest
What happens is that BePro Listings passes the file on to the wordpress architecture. So the file is stored and managed by wordpress. BePro Listings, recognizes certain file types and extracts them from the listing providing the functionality automatically.
If you are looking for a wordpress plugin to list and interact with, video, audio, and document files, BePro Listings is your solution. Check out our addons today and see which one works best for your needs.