If your listing data is managed outside of wordpress, then you should seriously consider our API system. This product is far more advanced than CSV uploads, allowing you to move millions of listings 24/7.
– BePro Listings 2.1.9993 or later
BePro Software API accepts the XML requests and makes various checks. Once the BePro Software API plugin is happy with the request, it will pass it along to BePro Listings for processing. You can send various commands for, updates, insert and delete.
You XML requests need to be in the correct format. Here is an example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <request> <user></user> <pass></pass> <app>bepro_listings</app> <action>update/delete</action> <records> <listing> <id></id> <item_name></item_name> </listing> </records> </request>
For those with access to a developer, you can connect BePro Listings to your 3rd party application. For those who move large amounts of data or those interested in monitoring their directory remotely, this api system offers the perfect opportunity to take that control
24/7 your website is now able to respond to API requests. Whether that’s real estate data via RETS, information managed by Google apps, or any other 3rd party application.Specifically, this API accepts the following instructions
- Update by id
- Insert
- Delete by id
- Delete all
This are the building blocks for moving data between your dataset and your BePro Listings installation.
Our api accepts all fields outlined in the csv documentation. Control aspects like, content, cost, contact etc. Remember that ultimately, your BePro Listings configuration still overrides the api. So for example, if you have turned off the “Show Geo” option in the BePro Listings admin, no address information will be saved from api requests.
If an ID is not provided with the sent fields, a new record will be created. Inserts are the only time you can currently send a request without an ID and not receive an error.
The limits of wordpress will be reached long before you reach a limit with BePro Listings. This API proves that BePro Listings is capable of accepting Millions of listings and integrating with any 3rd party application.