- Duration: 1/8 day
- Time commitment: 1-2 hours
- Subject: Business
- Language: English
- # Video: 6
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Platform: BeProSoftware.com
Video Tutorials
Course description
In this 6-part video course you will learn how to turn long or affiliate links into short and pretty links. Also it will teach you how to use ‘related posts’ to help visitors find related content.
Other topics are:
- How to effectively use authority sites to increase your SEO
- Finding your RSS location
- Syndicating your feed
- Embedding Google Analytics
Course outline
This is one of the most popular ways to monetize your website and it’s a smart idea to make affiliate links as friendly as any other links on your website
Assist your visitors by making content easy to find. This principle will include time on site metric aks session duration
1 link can theoretically be better than 1 million. This principle has changed with search engines over the years. In this video we explain what we mean
There are RSS feed readers, an entire genre of internet communication that you are ignoring. We help you to to get started by finding where exactly your RSS feed is located
Now that you know what and where your RSS feed is. You need to share it with the world so that people are able to A) find your feed and B) read your content
In this final episode, we talk about how to embed google analytics. This is probably the most popular tracking solution available online. We talk about what it is and how to add it to your website