Custom Page Template

Much like our listing templates, BePro Listings page details are generated dynamically also. This allows you to add, remove, or replace and feature on the details page, on your own. More importantly, your changes will survive updates. THE TEMPLATE FILE The template file itself contains wordpress hooks. You can tie your functions to any of…

BePro Listings Filters

This is an advanced document recording the Filters available for our BePro Listings Plugin. The type of user that would find this document useful is limited to wordpress developers KEY Filters – Where to find AVAILABLE WORDPRESS FILTERS Main File – bepro_listings.php === bepro_listings_item_gallery [$gallery] – Line 314 bepro_listings_item_content – Line 348

Paid Paypal Listings

BePro Listings offers 4 ways to get paid for directory submissions including, flat fee, by category, claim listings and membership addons. The first 2 are 100% FREE and simply require that you install BePro Cart. Allowing users to Claim Listings on your website is a great revenue generator. Lastly Our membership addons offer you the…