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  • #4350

    [display_listings type=”bl1″] gives me exactly what I was looking for! However, when I first applied it I only saw 2 of my 7 test listings. After further investigation I found that the Last name field had to be something other than blank in order for it to be displayed in the listing.


    I could understand this being a requirement for type=”bl1b” but not for type=”bl1″

    Thanks for your help….



    Interesting issue. You are right, that field should not be required for that layout. Our team is investigating.

    BePro Software Team


    After detailed investigation, I have discovered that this problem is causing bad html which causes the bl1 listing type to be all messed up.
    The following comments refer to bepro_listings_business_directory.php
    – In the before_listing function the string “<div class=”bl_directory_1″>” is always being added for type=”bl1″. This is regardless of whether or not the last_name field is blank or not.
    – In the bepro_listings_list_business_contact_item function if the last_name is blank then the post_title is not written to the html.
    – In the after_listing function the </div> tag is not written to the html if the last_name is blank.

    In summary, if a listing does not have the last_name defined then “<div class=”bl_directory_1″>” is being written to the html but the actual post_name and closing </div> are not. This causes a ripple effect in the overall html which caused my sidebars to be all messed up.

    Now that I have found all of the listings that did not have last_names defined and corrected them the “bl1” display type is showing as expected. However, I still feel that this issue requires an immediate fix.
    Thank you…



    Thanks for not only bringing this to our attention, but also suggesting a fix.

    Our team will review this and release an update by 12pm tomorrow. Thanks for your patience

    BePro Software Team



    Thanks for your patience. A new version has been released. Let us know if it fixes the issues you were experiencing

    BePro Software Team

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