Tagged: addon, free

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  • #1970
    [email protected]

    I read that the tag categories plugin was free to members. Is that still the case? If so, how do you get it.



    Please share the link that talks about the addon being free. If its on this website, we will honor it.

    BePro Software Team

    [email protected]

    This plugin is a perfect tool to help categorize posts. With Tag Categories, you get exactly what the name suggests. You can set the categories you want posts assigned to, when a particular tag is used.

    This is currently a FREE plugin for our members. Another perk for joining BeProSoftware.com




    That plugin is not related to BePro Listings.

    Yes, the plugin is available for free. Someone will update the post with a download link.

    In the mean time, you can contact us at [email protected] to have a copy emailed to you

    BePro Software Team

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