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  • #1026

    I was wondering if anyone else had this same problem: When I go to categories and click on one, it takes me to a subcategory page even though there is no sub category, I wanted it to show the listing associated with the category instead. Any suggestions?


    nvm figured it out….


    Hi iceman,

    You sure you figured it out? In theory, it sound like the correct functionality of that feature.

    I think maybe the labeling is confusing? The feature tries to filter any listings on the resulting page by the selected category. In addition, it outlines any sub categories that it finds. When there are no sub categories, it says so.

    I’m not sure if i addressed your situation, but just wanted to put that out there for anyone reading.

    BePro Software Team


    I was just confused how to use the shortcodes. I didn’t know I had to put the command url_input into the same brackets as the general shortcode



    Thanks a lot for the clarification. Good to hear you figured it out.

    BePro Software team


    ok so I forgot how I used the short codes for displaying listings this is what I am doing on my categories page:

    [display_listing_categories url_input=http://(link of page)]

    this isn’t working I also tried:

    [display_listing_categories url_input (Name of Page]

    it isn’t working either

    How do I use url_link correctly?


    I realized the spacing really matters, it was:
    [display_listing_categories url_input= (name of page)]

    I was spacing after url_input and it kept giving me an error
    *couldn’t figure out how to delete last post just ignore


    Hi @iceman,

    I’m really glad that you shared this with the community. Its a perfect opportunity to help everyone understand how to use our shortcodes.

    Our team does not create how shortcodes work, wordpress does that. We just facilitate options. I am actually shocked and surprised that the spacing worked. I guess we all learn new things everyday.

    The point i am driving at, is that you should put string options in quotations (no space needed). So in your case, it would be [ display_listing_categories url_input=”name of page” ]. I put spaces in this example shortcode because i don’t want them to activate

    All shortcodes work exactly the same in terms of setup, the only differences are their options and the results. Our BePro Listings documentation page, is structured that way because we are hoping people learn about shortcodes from the plethora of documentation available online. To learn more about shortcodes and how they work, check out the following wordpress documentation. :

    BePro Software Team


    Can you put up examples of how to use all of the shortcodes I think it would be really helpful because the shortcode guide doesn’t state in detail how to use the shortcodes.

    The reason I’m asking is because the listings I put in a sub category isn’t showing up but it is only showing up in the parent category.


    Hi @iceman,

    You are right, a tutorial like that would be helpful to many customers. We get lots of questions from people who are new to wordpress, specifically about the shortcodes.

    We will try to release some new documentation this week specifically addressing shortcodes. Someone will update this post when its done.

    BePro Software Team


    Hi @iceman,

    We are still working on the documentation.

    With that said, you may be interested in the newest version of BePro Listings 2.0.99. It now features ajax search and filtering all on one page. You can test this out on our $1 wordpress theme.

    We listened to the, comments, forum posts, and emails. We figured out that most of our most recent users are looking for a plug and play solution. With the new ajax functionality, you don’t have to worry about url forwarding etc. Simply add the shortcodes you want and done

    Of course, we will continue to enhance documentation for our advanced users, who want a truly unique listings experience.

    BePro Software Team


    I am having a similar issue. I have the main listings page displaying all the categories [display_listing_categories url_input=”…..”] (….. represents where the url is. I have tried using just the page name and the entire url. When the user clicks on a particular category they are taken to a category page (I’m assuming that is what it is because it says it’s the category type listing page). This is not the page that the url_input is directing them to. It’s an ajax page (again I’m assuming since the url doesn’t change). I would like the user to be taken to the listings page for that particular category [display_listings]. Can you please provide direction. I have reset my permalinks after I installed this plugin but am still having this issue.


    Oh I am using the most current version of this plugin 2.1.08


    Hi @kemmieg123

    I’m not sure you are experiencing the same issue. You mentioned the use of ajax. If ajax is turned on, then the categories wont forward anywhere. All url forwarding is ignored if ajax is turned on.

    Try turning it off to see if that fixes your issue.

    BePro Software Team

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