BePro Listings Filters

This is an advanced document recording the Filters available for our BePro Listings Plugin. The type of user that would find this document useful is limited to wordpress developers KEY Filters – Where to find AVAILABLE WORDPRESS FILTERS Main File – bepro_listings.php === bepro_listings_item_gallery [$gallery] – Line 314 bepro_listings_item_content – Line 348 Date: BePro Listings…


Featured Listings

Since BePro Listings 2.1.14, you can setup “featured listings” via the “l_featured” option in the “display_listings” shortcode. This is the perfect way to highlight particular listings or categories of listings on your website. Note that this option comes with several aspects to consider. HOW IT WORKS By using the “l_featured” option in the “display_listings” shortcode,…


wordpress plugin development

If you are interested in having a custom plugin developed for your wordpress installation, consider having our team help you to plan and potentially create a solution. Our team specializes has experience development and maintaining popular plugins like: BePro Listings – Popular directory, classifieds, and general listings plugin with several themes and addons WooCube –…
