BePro Listings Notifications

BePro Listings allows you to create hundreds of notification emails via its integration with BePro Email. To start, BePro Listings adds 2 emails to BePro Email. You can then, add more, edit whats there, or delete these notifications via the BePro Email admin interface. No other, real estate, classified, vehicle or other directory builder (regardless…


BePro Email FAQ

This post is dedicated to answering the most popular questions. Does this plugin manage notification emails? Yes, a complete email is stored including subject, body, etc. Does this plugin send the emails? If a “hook aka event” is assigned to the email, then it will be sent when that “hook” is fired Does this product…


Installing BePro Email

This plugin is simple and straight forward to install. This tutorial will walk you through the installation process after you have downloaded the product. We will then cover a few configuration options you may be interested in tweaking. INSTALLATION Under the plugins->add new menu, choose the “upload” option. There you will be provided with a…


BePro Cart for Developers

We encourage others to integrate their projects and plugins with BePro Cart. We make it really easy to send the user to BePro Cart for collection of payment for whatever product or service you have setup. The software will then update your application when a successful payment is received. This is an easy and FREE…


BePro Cart Shortcodes

BePro Cart is a fairly simple and straight forward plugin. It provides shopping cart and payment features to our BePro Software products. To implement these features, you need to setup a page for the shopping cart and place the necessary shortcode on the page. This tutorial goes over the shortcodes offered by BePro Cart BePro…


BePro Cart Features

When evaluating BePro Cart, its important to note that this is not a standalone ecommerce solution. The sole goal of this plugin, is to act as a shopping cart and payment solution. Plugins which interface with BePro Cart, define their own products INCLUDED FEATURES This product comes with a set of features ideal for confirming…


BePro Cart FAQ

BePro Cart comes with a lot of features. It works with other plugins to facilitate user payments. Its a great free way to collect payments. Here are a few facts that may answer a few questions you have about BePro Cart Which payment types can I accept? Currently only paypal express Is this plugin free?…
