BePro Listings 2.0.66

We are proud to release the update BePro Listings 2.0.66. Since version 2.0.0 we have been introducing many fixes and new features. We suggest that anyone who likes the previous versions, or looking for a robust wordpress listings solution, to download the latest version on today FREE: Fixes We have fixed several small issues…


Learning Phonegap

We selected phonegap for development of our mobile applicaitons. Our team has had experience with Adobe Air products and through that this offering from adobe was a nice upgrade. What we quickly learn’t was how complicated and at the same time, how simple this approach could be LEARNING CURVE There is a learning curve. The……...

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WordPress post hook

Recently we had to build a wordpress plugin. The requirements were that two buttons would be assigned to every post about the featured image. Instead of hacking into the existing theme, we opted to use the wordpress action hook “the_post”to achieve our goals. The Dilemma The thing to note here, is that the theme was very custom. The……...

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