You may notice testimonials around our website for various products and services. We believe this is the best type of advertisement we can invest in. This page explains the origin of these testimonials and how you could benefit by submitting one also
If you submit a testimonial that’s accepted, you will receive :
- 5 credits if you qualify in category B, which you can use towards any purchase (some products may be excluded)
- 1 credit if you qualify in category A, which you can use towards any purchase (some products may be excluded)
- A link back if you qualify in category B to your website. This is a huge SEO boost.
Our testimonials are submitted by real customers. There are a few criteria for qualifying
- You cannot submit more than 1 testimonial
- You must have purchased one of our products
- Your testimonial must specify which product you purchased
- Your testimonial must specify what need our product filled
- You cannot submit more than 1 testimonial
- You must have purchased one of our products OR Services. The product, must be installed on your website for more than 20 business days
- Your testimonial must specify which product and service you purchased
- Your testimonial must specify what need, our product and service filled
You can trust our testimonials. They originate from real customers and you can visit their websites. If you are interested in submitting a testimonial, then please contact us today and select the testimonial option on the form