We are proud to release the update BePro Listings 2.0.66. Since version 2.0.0 we have been introducing many fixes and new features. We suggest that anyone who likes the previous versions, or looking for a robust wordpress listings solution, to download the latest version on wordpress.org today FREE:
We have fixed several small issues in this release. Some of those issues include:
- New templates for maps with fixes to how icons work
- Maps now use “Type” as its option instead of “popup”. There are 2 types in the free plugin
- New templates for listings. There are 2 types in the free plugin
- Tons of wordpress hooks and filters
- Several addons now available
- New layout for listing detail page with tabbed information
- Buddypress activity feed now showcases BePro Listings posts
- Several bugs fixed to provide a better installation and upgrade experience
- Revised admin area with new options like category dropdown (instead of checkboxes) in front end forms
- Better documentation
New Features
The biggest new features are under the hood. Apart from fixing a lot of bugs, we gave this plugin the functionality to be extended. This means that everything, from the user form to the functions, has been rebuilt. Where possible we use wordpress hooks and filters fully integrating into wordpress.
We have also created new templates and reworked how they are implemented. We did this for the Listings and listing pages. The hope is to extend these templates in the near future. Everything on the page can be moved or removed. This is the same for the listings. This creates a large number of ways someone can organize how this plugin works.
We appreciate the reviews and comments received so far. This plugin is important to us and your suggestions help us to make it better for everyone. Download the plugin and join our forum today.
Hello guys!
Have you really put: Revised admin area with new options like category dropdown (instead of checkboxes) in front end forms?
I cannot see any options in BePro settings area where i can do that.
And I went through a post on wordpress.com support forum http://wordpress.org/support/topic/dropdown-category-on-add-post-front-page which was 3 weeks old and you replied the feature was not included and required custom coding and asked the guy to come visit your website. I am here on the website but all i can find is this feature is already included. Can you help me get this done? The custom coding should not be that difficult. If you guys intend to release this feature in the next release of your plugin, i don’t think it would hurt to give away the code as well. What say?
Hi Chirayu,
This is a question for our forums. You can register for free here
– http://www.beprosoftware.com/register/
BePro Software Team