BePro Software Team consists of expert Django, Shopify, and WordPress developers. We create themes and plugins as well as provide expert insight from novice to expert. Topics we cover talk about all aspects of managing these platforms from development to maintenance. Contact us on FolioProjects
In this continuation of our FB AD Secrets Course, we talk about adding a payment method. You wont be able to put ads live on Facebook without a valid payment method. If your payment method expires or rejects payments, your ads will stop. Watch The Video… This content is for Basic, Premium Membership, and Pro…...
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As we continue with our FB AD Secrets Video Tutorial Course, we talk about creating an ad account. You are right, there are multiple types of Facebook accounts that are needed for this to work. Watch The Video… This content is for Basic, Premium Membership, and Pro only. Consider purchasing one of our subscription options...
This content is for Basic, Premium Membership, and Pro only.
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As we conclude our cPanel Server Management Video Tutorial Series, we talk about backing up your websites. Have you ever created a document and forgot to save it, and then you lost it? This is one of the worst feelings, especially after you’ve spent hours creating the document. The same goes for your websites. If……...
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As we near the end of our cPanel Video Tutorial Series, we talk about email authentication. It’s about time you learn the basics of protecting your email box from spam. In this video, you’ll learn how to tell cPanel to do just that and authenticate all the emails that are coming out of your domain……...
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In this continuation of our cPanel Server Management video series, we talk about using the file manager. FTP is not the only way to upload your files. In fact, cPanel’s File Manager not only uploads your files, but you can delete files, create directories, create and extract zip files, edit files, and so much more!……...
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As we continue on with our cPanel Server Management Video Tutorials, we talk about error pages and redirects. Did you know that you could be losing traffic when people land on areas of your site that don’t exist? This is where the 404 error page comes in. What if you could redirect all that traffic……...
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As we continue on our Video Tutorial Series on cPanel Server Hosting, we talk about Softaculous. Softaculous replaces Fantastico, which was a popular suite of software scripts that may fit many aspects of your business. It gives you access to blogs, bulletin boards, support helpdesks, and more. You’ll be given an overview of this suite……...
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In this episode of our Learning cPanel Server Hosting Video Series, we talk about Awstats. Knowing what goes on your website is crucial. What’s the difference between Awstats and Google Analytics? Not only will you be given an overview of Awstats, but you’ll learn different features of Awstats that, if used correctly, can help you……...
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In this continuation of our Video Tutorial Course on using cPanel to manage your server, we talk about MySQL. When it comes to installing a database it is actually a very easy thing to do. However, with that said, how do you go about inserting data into the database if you ever need to? This……...
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