The BePro Software Team consists of expert Django, Shopify, and WordPress developers. We create themes and plugins as well as provide expert insight from novice to expert. Topics we cover talk about all aspects of managing these platforms from development to maintenance. Contact us on FolioProjects @BeproSoftware

WordPress Permalink Settings API

This tutorial covers the process of adding permalink settings for your plugin, to the wordpress admin area. This process lacks documentation and we WHAT TO EXPECT Coding Samples Text based information MEMBER REQUIREMENTS This series is open to, technical, contractor and premium users. We believe that these groups can benefit from this type of information.…

Inventing Greatness

This series is dedicated to following the journey of our development team, as we launch our new Form Builder plugin. This new product is unique to the relatively new market of Visual Form Builders. Its definitely a first for directory websites. Never before has a form builder been able to expose several data points to…

BePro Listings Admin Tutorial | Part 4

We have created a series of videos to help you navigate the BePro Listings admin menus and configuration options. The first 3 videos covered the main BePro Listings menu for viewing, adding and editing your listings. They also covered categories and the first few tabs under the options menu PART 4 In part 4 of……...

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BePro Listings Admin Tutorial | Part 3

BePro Listings has several menus and options in the admin area depending on your configuration. This tutorial series focuses on the menus and their various options. The first two videos should be viewed before watching this one. This video is part 3 in this multi-part series PART 3 This video focuses on the option menu,……...

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BePro Listings Admin Tutorial | Part 2

This series is dedicated to explaining the admin area of BePro Listings. Depending on your configuration, there are various menus and options to consider. These videos step through your options and what to anticipate. In part 1, we covered the first 3 BePro lisitngs menu’s including add/edit listings and categories PART 2 This part of……...

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BePro Listings Admin Tutorial | Part 1

BePro Listings has various admin menus which allow you to manage the various plugin features. Some menus depend on your configuration and use of addons. This multi-part series, reviews the various menus and the management options to consider. The end goal of these tutorials is to help you get acquainted with navigating the various features….…...

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BePro Listings CSV Upload Demo

BePro Listings is designed to list hundreds of thousands of listings. To quickly add your listings to the system, the plugin comes with a csv upload feature. Once the column names are setup correctly, the plugin will do the rest, acting like what you would expect from a form submission DIRECTORY LISTING UPLOAD The following……...

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Your Security is Important

Here at BePro Software, we have been lucky enough to see a surge in recent registrations and purchases. We appreciate this confidence from our customers. In return, we wanted to make a safer place to discuss software and pay for products. SECURITY MEASURES Recently, we upgraded the entire website to be HTTPS which uses…