WordPress action hooks are not new. Most plugins extend this construct by adding their own. In simple terms, wordpress action hooks are events that happen during a page load. Obviously, depending on what you are doing, different events will occur. For example, if you are logging in, there will be a wordpress action hook fired related to your login (e.g. wp_login). Other hooks are fired during every page load regardless of whats happening.
All you have to do is find the wordpress action hook which relates to the event important to you. Then add them to the emails in BePro Email, its that simple. Everytime that action hook (event) is fired, your email with that hook will be sent
The admin interface for BePro Email is very similar to wordpress posts or pages. That was done on purpose so that the features are familiar and easy to navigate. However, since BePro Email records do not generate pages, the features are used for different reasons
The title is used for the email subject. The content area allows you to setup text only or html emails. We then offer other custom options like, “email to”, max sends, and email agent (e.g. wp_mail). You can add as many emails as you would like, with as many recipients as you want.
Many plugins come with substandard notifications. Some will actually charge you to extend those notifications. Chances are, these plugins have wordpress action hooks in them. This means that the plugin cannot stop you from assigning the action hook to an email. You see, its easy to force email notifications onto any plugin which uses action hooks.
The difference between a plugin which advertises integration and one that doesn’t, is that integration means the plugin is probably adding custom emails to BePro Email. Also, if a plugin advertises integration, it should delete the emails it created during deletion. BePro Listings is a plugin we created which integrates with BePro Email for free, creating emails during activation and deleting them during when BePro Listings is uninstalling.
This is one of those plugins that will make you wonder why its not part of the core wordpress installation. BePro Email allows you to send out unlimited emails to unlimited recipients and they are triggered by events that happen on your website. This is the best email notification plugin available for wordpress