TikTok – Tutorial Resource Documents

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Artificial Intelligence – How To Future Proof Your Marketing

As we conclude our Artificial Intelligence In Marketing Tutorial Video Series, I want to thank you for coming along this journey with us. You have come a long way and learned a lot about how you can apply Artificial Intelligence to your marketing efforts. In this final episode, we talk about future-proofing your marketing. For……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Developing Your AI Skills Using SQL

As we continue on with our Artificial Intelligence Online Marketing Video Tutorial Course, we talk about using SQL. This topic on developing your skills takes us into chapter 9 If you want to ensure you aren’t left behind by developments in AI and machine learning, then it may pay to learn relevant skills that you……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Chatbot

This is chapter 8 in our ongoing video tutorial course on Artificial Intelligence In Marketing. In this episode, we talk about the popular marketing tool known as Chatbots. Chatbots are an increasingly popular tool for marketers, business owners, and webmasters. So what is a chatbot? Watch The Video… This content is for Basic, Premium Membership,…...

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Artificial Intelligence – Email Marketing

As we continue on our journey with the Artificial Intelligence In Marketing Video Tutorial, we talk about AI and Email Marketing. For those using the eBook, we are now at chapter 7 The key to success on the web is not just to gain traffic but also to control that traffic. What does that mean?……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Advertising

In this episode of our Video Tutorial course Artificial Intelligence In Marketing, we talk about the use of AI in Advertising. As you following along in the PDF E-book, this is chapter 6. At its core, machine learning is about evolving. It’s about getting more and more data, to the point that it can make……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Computer Vision

As we continue along our journey in our Artificial Intelligence Marketing Course, we have arrived at Chapter 5. Here we explain computer vision. As mentioned, computer vision is the ability for machines and computers to “see” by learning from huge data sets and machine learning. By observing countless images, a machine can learn to identify……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Big Data

In this continuation of our Artificial Intelligence In Marketing Video Tutorial Course, we talk about Big Data. In the PDF E-BOOK, we are now starting with Chapter 4. You might hear the term “big data” thrown around a lot and not fully understand what is meant by it. In this chapter, you will be enlightened……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Preparing For Semantic Search

In this episode of our Artificial Intelligence In Marketing Video Tutorial, we talk about semantic search. For those following in the PDF E-book, welcome to Chapter 3. Marketers and website owners need to make some changes to the way they do things. It’s no longer enough to find a keyword and repeat it a whole……...

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Artificial Intelligence – Google As An AI-First Company

In this continuation of our Artificial Intelligence Marketing Course, we talk about AI in our world today. In your PDF reference, this is Chapter 2. A while ago now, Google announced that it had become an AI-first company. While that might sound like meaningless marketing babble, the truth is that this determination actually has HUGE……...

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