Installing wordpress themes

Regardless of which theme your purchase or download, there are a set of steps that are almost always required. This post aims to cover the general steps involved with setting up a theme. We will walk you through the options from installation through to configuration. INSTALLING THE THEME It all starts with installing the theme……...

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WordPress Development Series

As the name suggests, this series focuses on Developers who would like to learn or extend their knowledge on wordpress. We focus on various subjects which will help you to customize wordpress installations and create your own solutions. Topics covered include the, wordpress api, plugins and themes. WHAT TO EXPECT In this series we hope…

Create plugin w/ Widget Tutorial

In this technical focused video tutorial, we talk about creating a wordpress plugin. This particular demo focuses on an example where the plugin will produce a widget. We walk you through what classes are needed and how they need to be extended to achieve our goal. Any developers creating plugins or themes should consider watching……...

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Examine css with Google dev tools

In this post created for developers, designers and other techies, we talk about how to view the css that’s targeting an html element. This is a really good tutorial for anyone who intends to do front end development. There are different tools depending on the browser you use, which can help you to view the……...

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WordPress Widgets

When interesting in customizing your sidebars and footers in wordpress, you typically will do this via widgets. This iteration in our Intro to WordPress tutorial series covers widgets and their usefulness. A wordpress installation typically isn’t really complete without a few widgets WIDGET TUTORIAL VIDEOS In this video we show you where to find the……...

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WordPress Tinymce Editor

This feature is intricate to much of the content editing you will be doing in wordpress. This episode in our WordPress introduction series, showcases the tinymce editor and its various options TINYMCE EDITOR VIDEO This video shows where the tinymce editor is and demonstrates its various features. It also discusses issues you may encounter while……...

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WordPress screen options

In this iteration of our wordpress introduction series, we talk about the screen options tab in the wordpress admin. Its visible while editing posts and pages and provides lots of control over what you can see on those edit pages WORDPRESS SCREEN OPTIONS VIDEO In this video we show you where to find the screen……...

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WordPress Posts & Pages

When first looking at the wordpress admin, the difference between posts and pages can be confusing. In this iteration of the wordpress tutorial series, we try to introduce you to these features and share ways of best utilizing them WORDPRESS POST & PAGES In this video we cover the simularities and differences between these two……...

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