WordPress Menus

In this iteration of our intro to wordpress series, we talk about wordpress menus. They are essential for navigating any website. Even one page websites usually have a menu. WordPress has this feature built in and most themes will require you create one MENU VIDEO TUTORIAL This tutorial explains where to find the menu and……...

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WordPress Permalink Settings API

This tutorial covers the process of adding permalink settings for your plugin, to the wordpress admin area. This process lacks documentation and we WHAT TO EXPECT Coding Samples Text based information MEMBER REQUIREMENTS This series is open to, technical, contractor and premium users. We believe that these groups can benefit from this type of information.…

BePro Listings Admin Tutorial | Part 3

BePro Listings has several menus and options in the admin area depending on your configuration. This tutorial series focuses on the menus and their various options. The first two videos should be viewed before watching this one. This video is part 3 in this multi-part series PART 3 This video focuses on the option menu,……...

This content is for Basic, Premium Membership, and Pro only.
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